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Eurail passes

This is such a simple question yet i've looked and couldn't find an answer so maybe someone can help me out:
Does a eurail global pass enable you to travel on all individual "metro" or "subways" in the countries, or do they just work for longer journeys out of the countrys major stations.
For example, could I use the eurail global pass in Paris to take their metro from the Eiffel Tower to the Bastille or could I only use it to go from Paris to a place such as Nice?
Any help is appreciated!

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8353 posts

While some regional trains in and near cities are included, I do not believe that any of the "Metros" are included. Generally the cost is minimal, and some type of automated entry with a ticket or card is used, making the pass not able to be used. With your pass will be a booklet explaining exactly where your pass is valid.

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8700 posts

The quick answer is that it varies from country to country. In Paris, for example, your pass would be good only on the PORTIONS of RER lines that are operated by SNCF (French national rail), but not on any Metro lines because they are operated by RATP (Paris transportation network). For the details, go here: Then click on an individual country.

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15 posts

Well the global eurail pass certainly doesn't seem like such a bargain after all. I was planning on arriving into Brussels from London, taking a quick train to Brugges then coming back to Brussels the next night. Now i see its 12 euros each way for the Brussels-Brugges trip! Going to have to reconsider my itinerary for sure if that's how it is in all countries...

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8700 posts

Where are you getting the €12 charge? A pass should be good on any Brussels-Brugge intercity or regional train. Reservations aren't even possible on those trains.

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15 posts

My mistake, so eurail pass covers all intercity travel in applicable countries but they don't help if your just traveling within one city it seems

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5 posts

Wow! I am VERY confused!! I read that the global pass WAS good for the Paris metro.
I also thought that it was good for any train routes w/in the participating countries.(I realize that a few have additional fees).

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3 posts

Eurail passes are only good for medium- or long-distance lines run by the national rail companies. For instance, here in Spain, my pass is good for a train between Barcelona and Madrid. It will work for some short-distance commuter trains, to communities surrounding Barcelona, but only those that are run by the national rail company, Renfe. There are some commuter lines that are run by a local rail company, FGC, which are not covered. The metro is not covered.

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19348 posts

Eurail has it own website at Click on "more about pass benefits", then on the country. For France, Eurail passes are valid in Paris on selected RER lines.

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12 posts

Eurail pass is good on the "metro" system in Munich (called the S-Bahn, if I remember correctly), but you will eat up a day using it if you're not also traveling on other intercity rail services.

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19348 posts

Carol, you are correct. I thought that had been mentioned earlier, but I guess not. Anyway, the S-bahns in various Germany cities are just one more train (like ICEs and REs) run by DB, and are therefore included in Eurail passes. I think some of the S-bahns in Berlin, those whose lines don't pass through the Hbf, are not DB and therefore not included with a Eurail pass.

There are much less expensive ways to travel in Munich. For instance, if you come into Munich on regional trains, using a Bayern-Ticket, your travel on all means of transport in Munich (S-/U-bahns, streetcars, and buses) is included. Also, there are some very inexpensive day tickets for the MVV. A Partner Gesamtnetz Tageskarte(partner all zones day ticket) gives up to five people unlimited travel in the entire MVV for only €18. For the inner zone, which contains everything commonly seen by tourists, except Dachau, a Partner Day Ticket is only €9,-.

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8353 posts

As has been mentioned, the Paris RER (regional train) and the S-Bahns (again, regional type trains) are included, but not the inner city metros. As for the comment regarding Brussels to Bruges, That is such a short trip that it would not justify a day of pass use unless you had a global pass for consecutive days. Passes are best for long trips across multiple days, but not short trips.