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London Pass

My husband and I are spending 8 February days in London and hope to see a lot of historical sites. Is the London Pass with travel included worth the price if we intend to use the tube often? We are trying to keep costs down (ha!). GBHP gives entrance to some sites and is less expensive.

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864 posts

I found the Historial Palaces Pass to be a good deal since we were able to easily revisit several sights. It is good for a year. Check out what all is covered by the London Pass vs the Historical Palaces and figure out which is best for you. With 8 days you can fill in alot of time just with the free stuff.

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8700 posts

The travel portion of the London Pass is definitely NOT a good deal. Why? Because the travelcard is for zones 1-6 and, with only a few possible exceptions, you'll be taking most of your rides in zones 1-2.

Besides, if you buy a PAPER travelcard at a National Rail station (not a Tube station), you qualify for 2for1 discounts for some of the places you want to visit (like the Tower of London).

Add up the price of the entrance fees to the places covered by the London Pass that you are certain to visit to see if you will get your money's worth. Compare that to the cost of using the 2for1 offers plus paying the full entrance fees to places not covered by those offers. And compare those figures to the cost of the GBHP.

You may find that buying one-day National Rail paper travelcards for the days you want to use 2for1 offers and loading money on Oyster cards and using them as pay-as-you-go on other days will be your cheapest combination. Don't forget to print your 2for1 vouchers and take them with you.

For an explanation of all of this, read this page and click on the "Travelcard 2 For 1 Offers" link at the bottom of the page.

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58 posts


Many advised me last year via this site to ditch the London Pass but get the Paris Museum one. Both were spot on. By the way.. for what it's worth... we enjoyed but had seen all of London we desired in 4 days. Took a short but beautiful Eurostar jaunt over to Paris for 3 days, which made our jaws drop compared to London. Loved it. SO different from US/UK. I learned a little French before going and the Parisians were so kind to us everywhere, contrary to popular opinion.

Anyway... that's my Paris pitch but yes, forego the London Pass IMHO.

Have a great trip!

Quincy, FL