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Italy Travel

My husband and I are in our 60's. We are going to London, Zurich, Lucerne and Paris. We are using frequent flier miles from the U.S. to London, onto Zurich and back to the U.S. We are going to use the train for the rest of the trip. Right now we have allocated 11 nights in London, 6 nights in Lucerne, 4 nights in Zurich and 7 nights in Paris. If we could rearrange our flight from Zurich, would, anybody recommend that that is too many days in London and Lucerne? Should we try to travel into Italy or Ireland, instead? We were in these places back in 1970, including Venice, Rome and Florence. I realize going to the Poisitano or that pretty view area, would be quite a travel endeavor. Does anybody have any suggestions for recommended places in Italy or should we just stick with our present plans. We are going at the end of May into June. Thank you. Elaine

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49 posts


Ken offers very good information for you.

I would like to echo his sentiment...

I think 11 nights in London may be too much. It would be nice for a slower pace of travel, and you really would get familiar with the city, BUT I think when you consider that you could be experiencing so many other things, you should look at trimming down London to a week, at most.

Regarding Switzerland, I have not been there, but I understand that the cities can be somewhat boring. Depending on your interests (I love hiking!), you may want to consider some time in the Swiss Alps away from the cities.

If my math is correct, you have about 28 nights in Europe, I think a smart use of time is:

London - 7 days

Eurostar train to Paris (2 hours, 15 min)

Paris - 7 days

TGV to Switzerland

Switzerland - 7 days

Night train to Italy (maybe Zurich to Florence)

Italy - 7 days

Fly home from Rome (or Venice??)

I don't know if you want to go to Italy, since you were already there, but I absolutely love it. Florence, Tuscany (Siena, etc.), and the Cinque Terre (A+) are some really great places. I think the food in Italy is the best in Europe, as well, which makes dining out a real treat.

I would suggest that if you would like more time in Italy, you could possibly reduce the nights in London/Paris/Switzerland even further.

Good luck!


Posted by
32318 posts


It would help to have further information on what destinations you most want to see. I would suggest that Italy would be a better choice than Ireland, as you'll be in Switzerland anyway. If I read your Post correctly, you'll be starting in London, flying to Zurich and flying home from Paris?

My preference would be to spend less time in each of the cities you listed and add some time in Italy or other locations in Switzerland. Some places you might consider in Switzerland are Gimmelwald or Murren or other parts of the Berner Oberland. In northern Italy, perhaps Lago di Como, Stresa, the Cinque Terre, Orvieto or Siena (in addition to possibly re-visiting Venice, Florence or Rome - I'm sure you'll notice a big change in these since the '70s). Although you have about a month, I agree that Positano and the Amalfi coast would probably be a bit far from your other destinations.

Depending on your reasons for visiting each of the cities you listed, I would probably allot 7 days for London, 4 nights in Lucerne, 3 nights in Zurich and 5 nights in Paris. That would leave about 11 days for other places. Depending on distances, you would have to allow for travel times as well.

Once you have a more definite list of destinations, it will be easier to suggest the best travel options. I find that train is usually the easiest, and the high speed trains are fantastic!

Good luck with your planning!

Posted by
2030 posts

I agree with Geoff -- less time in London, more in Italy -- but do not skimp on Paris.

Posted by
3551 posts

Yes too many nights in Lucerne and Zurich if you have a choice. Rather than add Italy this trip take some tours beyond Paris (Loire Valley, Versailles) and London (Cambridge, Cotswolds)for those xtra days. This our super destinations in themselves so consider it rather than addind more travel time to Italy. Lv Italy for a trip in itself.

Posted by
1589 posts

I would (and usually do ) skip Zurich. It's essential an industrial/ business center IMO.

Posted by
15768 posts

Maybe do it "backwards" starting in Italy and ending in London. I'm just thinking that late spring, you might want to start in the south where is will be warmer.

Unless you want to do day trips or see a LOT of theatre, even a week in London is a lot compared to Italy.

Posted by
7209 posts

Since Luzern and Zuerich are only about 50 minutes away by train there is no need to spend so much time in the 2 cities. Use 3 or 4 of those nights to stay high up in the Swiss Alps in the Alpine Villages of Muerren or Wengen (near Interlaken). Then train to Luzern for a few nights. You can train from Luzern on your last night all the way to the Zuerich Airport for your flight home. Zuerich Airport is a very nice and user-friendly facility and the train takes you all the way into the need for taxis or anything.

Zuerich is a nice city, but there are many nicer areas of Switzerland like the Alps. With 10 nights in Switzerland you would actually have time to do the Swiss Alps, Lucerne and another area if you wanted.

Posted by
875 posts

Having just been in Lucerne and Paris, I would recommend fewer days in Lucerne/Zurich. You could easily use that time to good use in Paris and London -- or some daytrips out of Paris & London.

Posted by
174 posts

I don't have any experience in London or Zurich, i've only been to Interlaken - however I think everyone has made some great points - if you could fly from Rome or Milano you could really get to explore Italy some.

If you did one week in Italy, taking the overnight train from Zurich to Firenze you could rent a car and explore Tuscany if you haven't already. There is so much to do in 7 days.

If you rented a car, you could pick it up in Firenze & explore Siena, San Gimignano, Panzano & Greves in Chianti, Assisi, Maremma, Montalcino, etc etc and either return the car in Firenze, or drive on down to Rome...

I think that would be loads of fun and you'd get to see a lot. Living in Florence has opened up so much for myself, we've seen so much of the country side (in addition to visiting 8 other counties) and I can with confidence that Tuscany is my favorite place in the world.

I'd cut down your time in Switzerland and London and give yourself a week in Italy. Flying home from Rome would be the easiest, Florence would work but you'd have to make a few connections. Milano can work if you need it to but it's out of the way and would require a EuroStar train ride +shuttle to the airport (1 hour).