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I don't know what to do. We fly into Nice on the 18th of July. We need to meet my daughter there on the 26th. We fly out of Nice on the 4th of August. Would you stay in the south of France and Northern Italy, or venture north to Amsterdam where we have family (and free lodging)? IF you can help, I would appreciate it. Thanks

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9363 posts

You need a little more help than we can give you here before you narrow your choices down a little. Go the library and look at some travel guides to get an idea of what is in each area and what you might like to see. It's hard for us to recommend anything when we don't know what you like. And only you can decide about visiting family or not.

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3258 posts

This link might be helpful to you for planning an itinerary with places you want to visit and time/distance between destinations.

Itinerary Planning

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5678 posts

Pick up Rick Steve's book on Provence. See if you like what you read there. Stay in the south of France if you so. You could do the same with his Italy book, although I've not used that one personally. I expect that you could find plenty to do between these two places, but it really depends on what you want to do on the trip. I bet the library has old editions. If visiting family is a priority for this trip even though you're flying into a different city then you need to factor that in. I have family in Orkney, so when I go to Scotland I was have to think about whether or not I can get there. But it's a long, long way from Edinburgh to Kirkwall.
