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Train Strikes

I have received word that the trains have been striking lately, and was wondering how one would go about finding out before receiving the boot from a train mid-ride?

Some has told me that their friend has encountered this problem twice very recently, and it makes me a little nervous as I am leaving in a week and am relying quite heavily on the train services.

Would newspapers once there give me any updates? Or would there be any way of knowing prior to getting on the train?

Thank you!

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6898 posts

It would be most helpful if you would identify WHERE you think these train strikes are occuring.

Posted by
8 posts

I have been told that upon travelling from Spain to Nice, they were kicked off the train at the French border so I assume that it would be in France?
As well as in Italy, I am not sure whether it be country-wide or not or specifically where it is occurring.

Posted by
805 posts

This is Europe, these little 24 hour strikes are common and unpredictable.

Ask your hotel staff when you get there if they've heard of anything but other than that, just roll with it because it is an unfortunate reality of European travel for some folks.

Posted by
1170 posts

There was a train strike in Paris for 24 hours and we were expecting lots of problems. Could barely tell there was a strike on.

Posted by
506 posts

Ultimately - the train websites will have information. For example, SNCF, Thalys, TGV and RATP will update the area with details regarding upcoming train strikes usually 1-2 days before.

There have been regular strikes in France mid-week for the last month. Usually on a Wednesday and Thursday - BUT only a few lines are impacted typically. This is because not all unions are striking together (this is different to last October when there was a full 9 day strike). At the same time certain Metro lines will shut down suddenly due to which is a hint that it is really a solidarity protest.

You can always check before boarding at the information booth - they usually know if there is a problem.

Where the real impact has been as of late is with the Trucker strikes. These too have been occurring weekly and stopping traffic. La Defense was at a standstill on Wednesday making the morning rush hour a disaster. So we just go for coffee and have a really long lunch.

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23562 posts

Train strikes is one of the last things we worry about. If they happen, they happen -- BUT in 300+ days of travel over the past 15 years we have only encountered one strike and that was in Spain for one day. It was a brief pain as we shift to buses but it was fine and provide a different aspect to the trip.

Posted by
17 posts

Just got back from 2 weeks in France, there was a train strike going on most of the time we were there. The only time it was problematic for us was getting to Collioure from Perpignan (sp?), this was the only train on our route that was striking. Your best bet would be to hit the ticket window ASAP and sort your selves out, the ticket agents were very helpful and creative getting us where we needed to go. Doing it as the last minute is NOT the way to go about this one (experience speaking here).
