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Train from Vienna to Venice

Is the 6 hour train from Vienna to Venice the best way to travel with 2 older teenagers? First class the way to go, is there a lot of stops along the way? The website does not give much information - has anyone taken that train - 6:30 am leaving?

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19100 posts

The Rail Europe website is a site for selling train tickets for Europe. They only show the schedule for trains for which they sell tickets, which is only a small percentage of the trains that are actually out there, mostly the high fare, fastest trains. To get a comprehensive list of trains, you need to go to the German Rail query page or to Italian Rail.

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8700 posts

Austrian Rail has SparSchiene fares as low as 29€ for Vienna-Venice day routes. You can also get SparSchiene fares of 69€ for a bed in a three-person sleeper on the direct night train. See here. Book by phoning the Call Center. Dial 011 (US international access code) + 43 (country code for Austria) + (0)5-1717. Omit the zero in parentheses. It is only used for calls orginating in Austria.

Is 1st class worth the extra money? Not for me, but it may be for you.

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6 posts

Tim, do you know if that train is direct or makes a million stops?

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8700 posts

Frank, The night train makes 22 stops. The fastest day train makes nine stops.