Hi I was wondering about opinions on train routes to Venice Any thoughts on taking a train from Basal to Milan then Venice or if the route from Munich to Venice is more scenic. Munich is definately a longer route and we would lose a full day which is ok if it truly a beautiful not to miss trip
Thanks again for your help Carol
What time of year?
Basel to Milan would be via Zurich and the Gotthard Pass route, pretty s Eric. From Munich I believe you would go by Brenner Pass, which IMHO is less scenic. So not worth the longer trip.
The most scenic route is the Bernina Pass, which land you in Tirano, where you can get to Milan in 2.5 hours to catch the train to Venice. But this may be out of your way.
All routes to northern Italy pass through the Alps, and they're all very scenic. Whether one is slightly more scenic than another would be immaterial to me if it meant prolonging an already long trip by several more hours. And none of this will matter if the weather goes bad on your day of travel. Choose the most direct route.
Hi Carol,
We took EC 87 from Munich to Venice two months ago. It really was spectacular. It left Munich at 11:35 and arrived Venice at 18:00. The views were so interesting that I don't at all consider it a day lost.
Photos 42 through 58 of this album were taken on that train. My only regret is that I was not sitting on the right-hand side of the train going through Innsbruck; otherwise it was lovely.
We've not been on the other routes mentioned, though, so I can't comment if one is better than the other.
Thanks for sharing your lovely pictures and advice Jeff