Hi everyone,
I returned from the RS Loire/So. France tour two weeks ago. Several of us were commenting we would have preferred it to be at least one more day (making it 15 days). I know Rick would like to make many tours longer, but his sales are better at 14 days due to American vacations. However, how many of you out there would like to see a few more 15-18 day tours?? An option might be to offer two versions of the same tour. For example, maybe the Loire tour could be 14 days for 3/4 of its' tour dates, but then the other 1/4 of the dates could be a little longer. I know this would seem to be a logistical problem, but actually I don't think it really would be. For example, on the Loire tour, we definitely could have used one more day in Arles. All you would have to do is add anothe day to the hotel there.
Okay, I DO realize it would be more complicated than that, but what do you think? Would you like to see more 15-18 day tours???? Would you actually take one if it were offered??
I definitely would because I want to maximize my money's worth (if I spend all the money to fly there, I wanna get the most out of it). Plus, I just like hanging out in Europe! ;)
Can't wait to hear what you think!!!