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Weather report on RS tours

Do the guides announce the weather forecast for the next day during the tours?

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2147 posts

Hi Janet, I guess that depends on the guide! You'll have a TV in your room and many people bring a phone/I-pad device to keep connected. Be prepared, dress in layers and take a jacket/umbrella on the bus.

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8672 posts

often, the hotels will post a forecast at the front desk, just like in the US.

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16894 posts

It does depend on the guide, but I'd say that guides mostly did this at a time when they were probably the only ones on the tour carrying a computer. For the reasons mentioned above, I think most of them now consider it unnecessary. If a hotel has posted a 5-day forecast that's a few days old, it would be good to check another source.

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2788 posts

I have taken 13 RS tours, soon to be #14, and I do not remember any guide ever posting weather reports. I do remember, when we stayed in hotels, that the hotel would often post it or if not we would just ask them. We will be a little clothing challenged this trip (June 3) since we go to London for a week and then fly down to Lisbon to start our RS tour. Having lived in Seattle we are use to dressing in layers. Living in Hawaii - not so much so.

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8293 posts

The TV in your hotel room will inform you first thing in the morning. Many hotels have BBC or CNN and if not, watch the local news channel, the weather maps are easy to understand if you don't speak the local language. The front desk staff will be happy to inform you as well.

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31 posts

We have done 8 RS tours. Some guides would give us a heads up if rain was forecast. One guide actually changed our itinerary due to expected rain one day. One guide told us at the beginning of the tour that she was not a weather forecaster and that we should always be prepared for rain or cooler/ warmer weather. She did this in a very nice way. RS tour and most activities go on regardless of the weather, so it is just a good idea to be prepared and carry a jacket. Dressing in layers usually works well for me.

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920 posts

I've been on 5 RS tours between 2001 and 2015. In all cases either the guide or the hotel had the forecast posted at or near the front desk. This last trip it wasn't as noticeable--as others have noted there are more TVs in rooms and/or people traveling with phones. Could also be because I've mostly taken the city tours in recent years. I like to unplug when I'm on vacation, so I appreciate it when it's posted in the lobby, but I realize I'm probably a "dying breed" in that regard.

BTW, some guides' notes are neatly typed and others seem to scrawl it on a piece of notepaper. They're all different!

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15686 posts

I'm getting more and more impressed with the tour manager (Cynthia) on my RS My Way Alpine tour. Her daily bulletin always included the weather report, and everything else we could possibly need to know.