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Villages in Catalonia or Aragon

We will be in Barcelona for four days at the end of March 2018. Overall, we have 21 days in Spain with 12 days in southern Spain where our daughter is doing a semester abroad in Grenada; a Spanish language major. We would like to see more of the Catalonian or Aragon region in Spain and would like recommendations for smaller villages and a scenic route for five days. We like history, natural beauty, food, wine and local culture. We will fly back out of Barcelona. Or if there's another town close to where we end up that has an airport, could try that too. Thank you for any help you can provide.

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27455 posts

I believe it was David who gave you a proposed itinerary to the south in your other thread. I was glad to see him include Teruel, which I found really striking and basically devoid of tourists (except for me) on the day I visited during the summer of 2016. Assuming you'll be driving, I'd suggest trying to see Cuenca as well. I think that's doable by car. If you were taking public transportation you'd be led on a merry chase.

I'll give you a few ideas for points north and west of Barcelona, but my suggestions are necessarily limited since I used public transportation on my visit.

Girona is not a village, it's a city. But the historic district is so atmospheric that I can't help mentioning it. There's a walkable wall, two historic cathedrals and a very good museum. Beyond Girona is Figueres, which I only passed through, but it has the Dali Theatre and Museum. Over on the coast is the whitewashed Cadaques, a former fishing village now a very popular beach resort (though likely dead in March). The bougainvillea was lovely in July; I'm not a gardener and have no idea what it would look like in early Spring.

To the west is the small town of Besalu, which has a very striking fortified bridge. Someone on the forum has mentioned taking a one-day bus tour of villages in Catalunya. I know Besalu was included. You might Google to find that tour and see where else it goes.

Last summer I spent several days in the largish hill town of Puigcerda, located in the Cerdanya Valley. That area is known for being relatively sunny (it can be miserably hot in summer) and might be very pleasant in March/April. Puigcerda itself has beautiful, colorful architecture. Heading north along the highway you cross the French border and then come to the Spanish (!) town of LLuvia. There are more historic towns/villages heading south. Over near Andorra is the exceptionally handsome town of La Seu de Urgell.

When Enric notices this thread, I'm sure he'll have many more suggestions for you.

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2455 posts

I am the one who took the one-day bus tour from Barcelona called “Medieval Villages of Catalunya”, which was excellent. We spent time in Besalu, Rupit (where we had a very nice local lunch) and Tavertet. The guide was a local to that more rural part of Catalunya, and was terrific. Besalu and Ripit are both featured in the book “The Most Beautiful Villages of Spain.”