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Traveling alone

Which one of these tours is the best for someone who is traveling by themselves? I have taken several Rick Steve tours but always as a couple and I don't remember seeing too many single people traveling. Are there some tours that are better than others? Thanks for your input.

Posted by
368 posts

Hi Barbara:

I have taken 8 Rick Steves tours as a single traveler On one tour I was the only single traveler and the most were on the Best of Switzerland where there were 7 single travelers.

For me all the tours were a lot of fun and there never was any problem finding someone to do something with. Actually I was only alone when I wanted to be. As far as things to do alone, the Paris and Rome city tours and the Switzerland tour had a lot to do. If you do travel alone I found it was good to pay the single supplement,

If you pick one where you really want to go then you will have a great time with a good group of people,


Posted by
187 posts

I have only been on one Rick Steves tour myself, the Best of Paris city tour. On mine, including me, there were 4 single women traveling on their own.

Posted by
1941 posts

Best is subjective and can be interpreted in different ways. It may help to focus the replies if you ask specific questions or have specific concerns. For instance perhaps security related, loneliness, handling luggage, too much or unwanted attention, etc.

Posted by
1194 posts

I've traveled single on several RS tours. Everyone was inclusive and kind. Pick the tour that most intrigues you.

Posted by
1058 posts

Of course, solo vacationing is different from traveling as a couple. Since my husband's death I have travelled solo, whereas before it was always as a couple. I don't think the location of the trip varies, as it's a toss up who signs up for what and when. Here are some hints for you -- try to sit in different locations in the bus each time so that you can talk with different people and get acquainted. When you go down for breakfast or for group meals don't be the first person to sit down. That way you can choose to sit with different people as well. As for meals not scheduled for the entire group, I found that there were many couples who graciously asked me to join them, but as a bit of a loner myself, I also enjoyed going off on my own from time to time. Without a partner to take photos with you in them, you will need to be mindful to ask others to take your picture from time to time, otherwise all you'll have is pictures of scenery and other people and nothing to show that you were there.

Of course, your solo trip won't be the same as a couple trip, but you'll find the RS travelers are in general very friendly and inclusive. Bon voyage!

Posted by
3 posts

Thanks to all that responded. It sounds like most tours are inclusive when it comes to singles which is good to know. I appreciate all the tips that everyone provided. Guess I just need to take the plunge and go for it. Hope to run into some of you on a tour!

Posted by
16908 posts

Barbara, you'll be just fine. I'm smiling at Patricia's post:

I found that there were many couples who graciously asked me to join
them, but as a bit of a loner myself, I also enjoyed going off on my
own from time to time.

I've an intrepid, diminutive, mid-60's friend who has traveled large parts of the world solo but has booked the occasional tour to places - like the Middle East - where language/transportation really was a barrier, and the need for enhanced security was also a bit of a factor. She tells me that others on the tours have always kindly 'adopted' the single lady, and that as a loner herself, she's had to politely extricate herself now and again to get some space! I can almost promise you that you'll have all the companionship you can handle. :O)

Posted by
11528 posts

I have only taken one RS was a Europe in 14 days FAMILY tour.. so focus on kids.. so everyone had a kid with them.. either their own, a grandchild, niece etc.. so some women were alone with kids ( myself and two other women) but we had ONE solo tour member..
A young man who had just graduated college and his parents wanted to give him a trip as a gift and found this tour was the only one that fit the dates he had free before he started a job.

So.. a 25 yr old male , solo on a FAMILY tour..

Guess what.. he had a great time and we all included him.

Just pick the itinerary you like.. go with an open mind and you will have fun..

Posted by
8136 posts

My guess is that you would have more single people on a tour that's during the summer (school teachers, college students). There were 10 singles in the tour I took one August - City Paris. I think it was a tour that people who hadn't traveled felt comfortable as their "starter tour".

As others mentioned, you'll have a great time going to the tour that appeals to you the most. Enjoy!

Posted by
23 posts

Hello, I also travel solo for the last two years. I make new friends on the tours and keep in touch with some, I have to bring myself to interact with others travelers and it works out great. You can choose to spend time with others or being on your own, just choose the destination you want to go and enjoy yourself.

Posted by
61 posts

Similar to the other single women here, I was alone if I wanted to be. Sometimes for nongroup meals and unstructured times I would ask different couples (those with whom I had already had time and conversations) where they were going to eat or what sites they were going to see. I often received invitations to join them and had several options. People were very friendly.

Posted by
596 posts

Both tours that I've been on (Istanbul, and Prague/Budapest) had several single women (and one single man - they seem to be a rarity!) Some women were truly traveling solo, others were traveling with a sister or friend or daughter/son. Everyone mixed quite a bit - singles and couples. Whenever we had a chunk of free time, people would ask around what others were doing and organized themselves in various configurations. Sometimes I preferred to spend time completely on my own too.

You can call the RS office and ask, before signing up, about the configuration of a tour that you're interested in. They won't give out personal information, but they will look and give you general information about the people who have signed up - mostly couples, singles, or whatever. I found this helpful and reassuring.

Posted by
6 posts

Dear Barbara,
I've taken three tours alone (at first because I had a husband who only wanted to go fishing on trips) now I am divorced going on my forth trip to Village Italy leaving within two weeks I'm so excited. I have never had a bad experience alone,I make friends some I still write and we are Facebook friends. I love the fact I'm not required to pay a single supplement unless I want too. I find Rick Steves tour groups not grumpy or loners,we are all passionate about travel and learning. I live in Seattle and I get what Rick Steves is trying to do with travel, I LOVE it.
Joanne M