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Travel Friend Having Surgery Tomorrow

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Travel friend kim, who posts on this Forum as kim from oklahoma, is having knee replacement surgery tomorrow. Kim is strong and healthy, with a very positive attitude about her knee replacement, so we're all expecting the best. But I thought folks might want to chime in with good wishes for her recovery.

We're all (kim and her husband; Stan and I) going on the Heart of France tour together next year, so she'd better be a good girl and do her therapy!

Posted by
8374 posts

After traveling to France, England and Ireland in May in a wheelchair, my wife returned home to get a knee replacememt. It is a hard surgery and the first 3 months will be tough. I wouldn't schedule a major trip within a year of it requires a lot of walking.
Our next trip is going to be a domestic driving trip ending in Montreal. We are just going to pretend it's Paris.

Posted by
1327 posts

I enjoy her posts (and yours!) here on the forum.
I've had several friends have the knee replacement surgery with excellent results.
Sending my best wishes for a very good physical therapist and a happy outcome.

Posted by
6893 posts

Sending best wishes, and a piece of advice:

Follow every physician recommendation diligently right from the moment they emerge from surgery. Especially important to be relentless with physical therapy - no "waiting until later", no slacking. No knee replacement here, but I did have ACL surgery last February. I found the post-op PT absolutely critical in getting back to full range of motion and activities. During my recovery, I met many people who told me they had the same surgery, but failed to stick with the PT as directed, and they had ongoing limitations (range of motion) and regrets. I initially slacked a bit (during the first week or so, in my medication-induce haze) and even then realized that I needed to up my game. I did, and have recovered nicely - did a 3 week trip in July and was able to climb up church towers, scamper along the rubble of ruined castles, walked for hours on cobblestones with no issues. Bottom line: follow the doc's instructions to the T, do all stretching/PT as directed and be relentless, and you have a great chance of a positive outcome.

Good luck and best wishes.

Posted by
4161 posts

Here’s to a successful surgery and speedy recovery, Kim! You’ll be ready to keep up with Jane and Stan in no time.

Posted by
34630 posts

Missing you Kim - all the best of best wishes for a quick recovery and a smooth surgery.

Thanks so much for posting this, Jane. Take good care of her.

Posted by
985 posts

Wishing the very best outcome for you Kim, and prayers for both you and your doctor team. Attitude is everything (along with the rigorous therapy) and I'll bet you come through this with flying colors. You have the France trip to work for and I can't think of any better motivation than an upcoming trip!

Thank you Jane for starting the thread.

Posted by
1230 posts

Wishing you a truly successful surgery tomorrow, Kim, an easy recovery period, much stamina and determination in PT (think: each stretch and bend is one step closer to France!) and the knowledge that many across the nation - and beyond - who don't know you in person, but know you in spirit and shared passion for life, are thinking of you tomorrow and pulling for your strong and complete recovery!

Posted by
2521 posts

Best wishes for healing from Atlanta. I also advise you to follow all doctors’ orders and do your physical therapy diligently and you will be ready to take on France! I have several friends with excellent results from this surgery. No more knee pain for one thing.
Take care, I’ll be thinking of you.

Posted by
6713 posts

Likewise, friends who've had knee replacements report good recoveries but lots of PT necessary. I hope it goes well for Kim and you'll be ready to tackle the Heart of France next year! And stomp on it! ;-)

Posted by
6657 posts

Thanks, everyone. I just emailed Kim a link to this thread. I know she'll be touched. She's sorry that she'll have to miss our local travel group meeting in a couple of weeks, so this should lift her spirits.

Posted by
7196 posts

Wishing Kim all the best for a successful surgery and a speedy recovery. Anticipating a trip to Europe next year will be the best incentive to work hard on her PT.

Posted by
2937 posts

Best wishes for Kim. I have had a bilateral hip replacement twice, totals in 2001, new ball and liner 2016. I while I realize hips are not knees, the same principle applies. The recovery will be as successful as the effort put in to the physical therapy. Do as much more than is required of you as you possibly can. There is no reason your plans can't be met.

Posted by
1026 posts

Oh my gosh. I am so appreciative of all your thoughts, wishes and prayers. What a wonderfull surprise. Thanks Jane and Stan for posting. I will tackle my exercises and pt with diligence. If it wasn’t for this forum, I would not of met Jane and Stan and started our travel group. Tomorrow is the day. I will try to report back on this thread when I get s chance and feel better and not in s haze lol.

Thanks again:)


Posted by
2503 posts

hey kim
a safe surgery and speedy recovery, plus your positive attitude and great travel buddy jane will get you through this trying time. be a good girl, follow PT do's and dont's and you've got heart of france to look forward too.

Posted by
813 posts

You'll do great, Kim! I've enjoyed our exchanges on my knee replacement thread. I'm having my other knee done in November and am confident enough that we signed up yesterday for Best of Scotland next April/May.

Do the work!

Best thing someone on here said about knee replacement: "If you're just going to sit in a chair and take Vicodin, what's the point?"

Be diligent and push yourself to do the therapy and beyond. Expect there will be bad days and you'll get through them. Stay optimistic and keep going!

My very best wishes for a successful surgery tomorrow!

Posted by
6657 posts

Update! I just had an email from Kim: "So far, so good." They've actually had her up walking the hall twice! And she says "Can wiggle toes nicely." She should be able to go home tomorrow or Wednesday, if all goes well. Two physical therapy sessions scheduled for tomorrow.

And she appreciates all your good wishes. Thanks, everyone.

Posted by
15187 posts

Kim!! Sorry I missed this yesterday but sending you my very best wishes for a speedy recovery. While I’ve not had joint replacement surgery my career was as a hospital social worker and yes, totally agree with doing your PT to the tee, lol!!

When you go for your appointment with your outpatient PT provider tell them about your travel plans for next spring so they can help you with a rehab plan for that goal.

Jane, you are so very sweet to start this thread and I appreciate the update!!

Posted by
6657 posts

She's up and posting on Facebook already today, so she's obviously on the mend.

Posted by
2095 posts

Happy to see you are back online, Kim. I agree with everyone about the importance of PT and other post op instructions. I want to share my experience. In Aug 2010 I had one knee replaced. The next May I went on the Heart of France tour. I am happy to report that all went well and I was able to walk up the path to the church at Mont St. Michel with no problem. I figured this was the ultimate test of the success of my surgery.

Posted by
6657 posts

Laurie Beth, that's encouraging. Thank you!

Posted by
34630 posts

Yay rah!!!

You go girl.

Jane, you're sweet to keep us in the loop!

Posted by
2352 posts

Great news! With that attitude she'll be dancing on her next RS tour.

Posted by
1026 posts

Ok I think I am awake enough today. Sorry for any typos I do . Typing on my iPhone.

Came home on Tuesday. Was so sleepy all day . Did exercises from hospital pt. St Francis nurses were awesome. They said they wish they could clone me!

Wednesday home health nurse came out. She changed dressing and seems very good. Pt came out at 12:45 ish . Gave me new set of exercises. Some are truly killers!! CPM knee machine (continuous passitive motion) was brought out to me. Dr orders to do it 3 times a day for two hours, gradually increasing the movement.. the goal is to be at 90 % by three weeks. Plus the scar tissue sets in quickly. So for three weeks this is my life (lol) exercises ice CPM Machine ice stay ahead of the pain.!

Thanks again for all your thoughts.


Posted by
6657 posts

Glad to see you back online, Kim. We were getting worried about you.

And hi, Mona! I noticed you posted earlier, but I forgot to respond. Stan and I were talking about Haarlem yesterday, and I remembered that evening we spent at that brewpub with you. Sigh.

Posted by
2456 posts

Welcome back Kim, with what seems to be very good news. I hope the docs have left you time between pt sessions for gelato breaks, yes? You know what they say, all pt and no gelato makes for a dull life!

Posted by
4161 posts

Hi Jane! Fond memories of our visit with both of you in Haarlem too, double sigh...

Posted by
6713 posts

Gelato sounds like a great idea -- but don't put it on your knee, it won't work as well as ice and there are no taste buds down there!

Posted by
1026 posts

Gelato sounds good right now. I have started to call my knee machine “the torture chamber”.

Posted by
985 posts

Just checking back to see how the surgery went and it sounds like you did well and are on your way to recovery. sil just did 2nd knee replacement this winter and is already good to go. Reading 90% in 3 weeks - wow!

Posted by
1327 posts

Kim, some years ago a friend of mine had double shoulder replacement surgery and called that apparatus her “perpetual pain machine.”
But hang in there — it will get better and I think that the outcome will be worth it!

Posted by
6657 posts

I've heard from Kim: She is in a lot of what the books laughingly call "discomfort," but related a hilarious dream she had about RS tours. Our girl will be fine!

Posted by
6657 posts

One more update: Kim's friend Karen brought her to our travel group meeting today! It's her first outing since the surgery, and you should have seen the smile on her face! She still has quite a road ahead of her, but she's definitely on the mend. She'll definitely be ready for Mont St Michel next spring!

Posted by
893 posts

Jane and Kim,

Kim, You have got to be a surgeon's dream patient. I'm sure you're going to push the PT to a max to go on that RS tour next year. (Where's Rick? This sounds like a marketing jewel to me)

I tore my ACL years ago trying to keep up with my high school sons on the ski slopes. The CPM machine was my friend.
I used it at home much more than they told me to. It helped with stretching and relaxing. I actually fell asleep in it one night and felt great when I woke up. Anyway, During that recovery, I saw Rick on tv and started watching his shows regularly.
We have now taken 7 RS tours and trying to decide on the next one! And I'm playing golf regularly and have for a long time.

You can do it Kim and please, you and Jane do a trip report!


Posted by
6657 posts

broekerd, at our August meeting I showed Kim the picture Stan took of you at Civitá di bagnoregio that's on your FB page.

Posted by
1026 posts

Mimi -

Thanks for your words of encouragement. The CPM machine ( aka torture machine) lol —- we have a love and relationship. And I do too fall asleep in it sometimes.

I guess I better exercise ice and then into the machine

Happy rehab to go traveling


Posted by
1026 posts

The torture machine had left the house! Hooray!

Pt coming in a few minutes then off for post op dr appt at 2:50

Posted by
1026 posts

Since I have a few minutes, I thought I would give an update on my knee. Computer doing better today, hard to reply using by phone. ARRGGH.

I appreciate everyone's good thoughts and PM's that I have received. As posted before the knee machine left a few weeks ago, so that has freed up some of my time. The return 3 week post op dr appt went well. They used a new type of sutures at my hospital St Francis. As the PA called them, I was "zip tied". Those came off easily and scar is healing well.

I go to PT 3 times a week for 7 weeks.(per his orders). Still do the exercises with icing afterwards three times a day. Some days are good and some are still tough. Off walker and cane, walking on my own. Sometimes I favor it a tad, only after pt or exercising, getting out of car, or sitting for a while. I am able to help cook, clean up, laundry, groceries.etc. We try to get out once a day to do something. Been to our large shopping mail twice to do some walking followed up with a delicious DQ blizzard as my reward to a job well done.

I have found warming up my tight muscles 10-15 minutes with heating pad or corn sack and using my roller on them before my exercises and stretches help.

The pain level is about 1 -2 sometimes. 1 mostly. The only major pain is really muscle. The hardest part is the stretching in the thigh area and IT band area. The stiffness is the hardest part, especially when PT stretches me. Unfortunately I am only up to 113 out of 120 in my bend. I asked her to measure my good knee (right) and it was 143 today.

All in all I am doing good, except for sleep.... that is still hard to do.

I know I will be ready to tackle my two RS tours in May 2019.

I was able to go to our travel meeting in September. Been out to eat several times. Went to see work for a few minutes one weekend. Went to our glass blowing fundraiser event last week which was about 3 hours. Did well.

Just wanted to update you.


Mary is also on the mend! Yeah

Posted by
1058 posts

Sorry I missed this prior to your surgery, Kim, but glad to hear you are doing well. They make ‚me tough in Oklahoma. I know because my mom was born and raised there and was still hauling wheelbarrow loads of compost in her late 70‘s. Keep up the flexion exercises so that you don’t get contractures. You’ll love the France tour — hubby and I took it a few years ago and loved it.

Posted by
6657 posts

Thanks for updating, Kim. I know folks have been wondering how you're doing. See you next week at our RS Travel Group meeting.

Posted by
1026 posts

Nigel -

It sure is! We are having storms, possibly tornadoes, my knees is yelling at me . Maybe I can start predicting storms now. Lol

Posted by
6657 posts

Kim, that's funny. I was walking this morning while it was raining, and my (slightly gimpy) knee started talking to me. It made me think of you, and I wondered how you were weathering the storm - so to speak.

Posted by
3679 posts

I had a partial knee replacement in 2009, and reiterate what everyone has said about doing your exercises religiously for as long as is recommended.
Here's a tip for using ice: take a medium sized towel and soak it in cold water, then wring it out so it's still fairly wet but not dripping.
Put the ice or icepack in the towel, and wrap the whole thing round your knee.
It distributes the cold better, and doesn't fall off.
My physio taught me that.
Best of luck with your recovery, Kim.

Posted by
813 posts

Glad to hear you're plugging along, Kim. Keep up the hard work. Your post came on my new knee's five-month "birthday." We're leaving Thursday for Seattle, which will be my first flights since surgery. We expect to be pretty active on the trip, with at least a little hiking. I'm looking at it as a dry run for Scotland next spring, by which time the other knee will be almost six months post-surgery.


Posted by
1026 posts

Woot hoo Stoutfella - awesome news for you. Let me know how you did. It will give me some more hope and kinda know what to expect. You will love Scotland. But I am bias cuz my relatives are from Shetland!

Have fun in Seattle

Posted by
2 posts

I had double knee replacement in May of 2016 after years of pain from injuries as a runner. I had a strong helpful husband at home, so my doctor thought we could handle two at the same time. I was up and walking that day, with the help of pain meds for a short time. Therapy 3-4 days per weeks for several hours each time is VERY important. Do all the therapy they assign at home as well and continue until you get full use back. I was back to full work within 1.5 mo. and took a 3 week Rick Steves Trip for my retirement the following summer with no problem! It is worth it if she is willing to put in the work, and I bet she is! Good Luck!

Posted by
6657 posts

Jesdavis50: Wow! What a great story! Thanks so much; I'm sure comments like yours will help Kim in the "dark hours."

Posted by
1026 posts

Jesdavis50- wow that is words of encouragement. I was a runner too but had to quit. I did 1/2 marathons, 15k , 10 k, 5 k . Now I would be glad just to walk a 5 k race when better. My left knee is the bad one right now. Injuries and arthritis. Some arthritis in right knee but no pain like my left was. I am in my 8th week of post surgery. Dr appt on the 30 of oct. I did the passive knee machine plus home health. 4 weeks of pt( only two more left at the present time). I exercise/stretch with ice at end of each session three times a day. It is hard to do stuff during the day to be able to accomplish this task but husband and I do our best to get out for a few hours to do something. I have to make sure I get up and walk , help cook , dishes, laundry etc to not get too stiff. Have not done house cleaning, house is a wreck right now with furniture moved around and foam roller and exercise gear spread around. Just have to ignore the mess and I am doing a good job too. I hate crap around. I went to our semi pro hockey game on Sunday and it was a little too much . Had a break down at pt on Monday. I was hurting 3 level and sore and so stiff. The weather probably did not help either. We had a cold spell here this week. My pain level as been 1 now for awhile. I weened off the meds and now take x strength Tylenol. Oh , plus I can’t sleep well at night and Sunday night was the worse! Good news is I have started back at gym last sat sun and here right now. I bike ( which is a tad uncomfortable) but loosens my knee a bit. Then I do floor exercises and stretch and then do a few knee presses with no weight . To bend my knee. Aarrgh. Then walk a few laps. Going to try this every other day . I think the worse part so far is the stiffness in my muscles but hopefully my foam roller will start to help. Last good news was I measured at 115 at pt on Monday. She talked me off the ledge lol! She said i was doing great and keep doing what I have been doing. Yes. I know , there are ups and downs but Monday with no sleep and cold outside was a down day.

Thanks for all your wonderful thoughts
