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Transportation advice at end of SICILY TOUR

Our Sicily tour ends Wednesday morning 10 April and we need to return that day to Dulles airport. Can anyone give me advice on what methods of transportation you used from Syracuse Sicily to US? Thank you.

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2530 posts

The tour ends in Catania, which has an airport. Getting home to the US that day will be difficu!t, as you will probably have to fly to Rome first.

I decided to spend more of the last day in Catania and fly Airitalia to Rome late in the day. I flew Rome to Phila. the next day.

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127 posts

Thank you Liz, yes my mistake RS tour ends in Cantania! Color my face RED.
I need suggestions of how to return to US from Cantania. Thank you. Sally

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2530 posts

You'll just have to explore on Google Flights or Kayak to find an acceptable itinerary from Catania to Dulles. The flight day to the US always leaves me a zombie, so I wasn't willing to get up early to catch a flight to Rome that would arrive early enough to catch a trans-Atlantic flight--most of which leave around noon.

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2768 posts

I did it from Palermo and I think it’s airport is smaller or similar to Catania. I had an early AM flight Palermo to Rome on Alitalia, connect to Rome to US on Alitalia or Delta (I forgot which, they codeshare). If you are going somewhere with direct flights from Rome you shouldn’t have too much trouble, just a layover in Rome and you’re on your way. If you need to connect further, timing could be tricky.

I just looked and saw Catania to Rome to NY leaving CTA an 7AM, 2 hour layover in Rome, arriving in NY at 2:00 local time, then connect from NY as needed. Just one option, but that’s the main idea of what you are looking at.

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1103 posts

We were on this tour in April 2016. At the end of the tour we flew from Catania to Rome on the late morning, stayed overnight in Rome for one night, them flew home. It wa nice not having to get up early on the last morning of the tour. Having to get up at the crack of dawn would have broken the magical feeling surrounding the end of the tour.

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2788 posts

After taking 16 RS tours, we no longer try to get back to the US quickly which use to require taking an EARLY AM flight from our last airport then transferring to another airline headed to the US. We took the Sicily tour in May of this year and flew from Sicily mid-day to Rome and then on to Paris for an overnight stay before catching a mid-morning flight back to the US. As Bob posted, your body will be taxed from all that travel in 24 hours. Good luck.

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996 posts

We flew Catania to Rome on Alitalia, then Rome to the US on Delta. We did have a very early flight, but we made it back to the US on the same day. We landed at JFK and changed planes to our hometown there.

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27455 posts

If you can possibly spare a few extra days, I'd add some time at the end to visit the Baroque towns in tne southeast (Ragusa, Noto, Modica, Scicli). That can be done from Siracusa if you wish, and I'm sure you won't have time to see everything there while on the tour. Sicily is great and a bit awkward to get to, so I'm an advocate of spending more time there on what maymturn out to be your only visit.