We've gone on a few RS tours and were planning to go on one this year prior to the pandemic. Recently I was looking thru old picture albums and began to think of what I'd do differently. I'm curious what other people would change/recommend regarding RS tours but I'll start with these two
1) arrive in the starting town 2+ days early if it is a city. On our trips we arrived the day before which gave a buffer in case of delay. For smaller towns such as Reims that was fine, but one tour we did was Greece. In retrospect we were still jetlagged when the tour started, plus there was lots that we could have seen on our own in Athens prior to the start of the tour.
2) look thru RS tour scrapbooks prior to the trip. When I look thru the scrapbooks for tours we've taken I usually see a few places in towns we visited that look intriguing but that we didn't visit. They may have been described in the guidebook, but a picture can bring something to life in a way a paragraph of text doesn't