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Tour Guide

Do you find out who your tour guide will be before the start of the tour? Like when you get your motel list 30 days prior.

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5646 posts

Our 2022 tour rosters included the name of the guide. My 2023 tour shows the tour roster will be available 30 days prior to the tour start date.

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1234 posts

Yes, you also find out your tour mates’ first names and where they’re from.

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9082 posts

The name is on the information 30 days out. A word of warning, however. The guide can change as RS tours responds to real time events. I am guessing my Heart of Italy tour set a new record last September as we had 4 different guides over a nine day tour. I think that was a pretty rare situation, but just be aware that if a guide comes down with Covid or has family emergency, changes will be made and it could impact several tours.