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641 posts

Read it through and while technically true, it sounds much more militant than RS tours feel when you’re on one. And since there’s free time almost every day, some of the article is misleading. But yes, you need to be on time, carry your luggage, have good and sometimes mediocre hotel rooms, learn a lot and meet some wonderful people who become friends!

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1306 posts

My inner information literacy librarian is uneasy. Too bad they had to choose a website name so close to that of one of my favorite non-profits,

What does a "fully-formed Rick Steves tour" mean? I'll have to quiz my next tour guide on "precision dump".

Posted by
1306 posts

Those top three websites are part of the Static Media portfolio, giving "readers the great content they crave."

Posted by
6062 posts

Above German certificates website reported

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9171 posts

My first reaction on reading this, was to wonder if the author has actually been on at least one RS tour, or was basing this on what he has heard second hand. While on the face of it, it's a very positive article, I could see how someone considering a RS tour would be concerned about some of the statements.

I wouldn't consider it a "team" event. You interact with others on the tour as much or as little as you want. Other than encouraging learning everyones' names, I dont see the planned meals and trudging through the streets together makes it working together. There is a lot more unplanned time on your own than I think most people would expect .He also makes it sound regimented and hyper-organized, while I see it more as requiring punctuality because of timed appointments with local guides and sights, and things like not having bus loading zones in old city centers. If you've been on other tours with other companies, you know there is nothing worse than waiting on people who just cant be on time.

I was surprised that the luggage limitations and self-management thereof were not mentioned as that seems to be a surprise to some people. And describing the hotels as "boutique" I think is a mistake given the way that could be interpreted.

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15183 posts

"I'll have to quiz my next tour guide on "precision dump"."

@Debbie - According to the guides I've discussed this with it's actually called a precision drop. It's usually when the bus is going to unload for a site and then drive off to park elsewhere. They can usually remain for 5 minutes or so in the "no parking" area but want to off load and not hold up traffic. The article acts as if this happens every time you off load or reload which is not the case.

I had to laugh at the article section on punctuality. He didn't mention that being late is rude to your fellow travelers and to me that is more key than keeping to a schedule.

Posted by
794 posts

I asked Chat GPT to give me 1,000 words on RS know before you go.

Me thinks may have started with that or a similar AI-written article.

Posted by
2739 posts

Having taken multiple RS tours I feel this article is largely accurate. You can quibble with this or that but on the whole I think he has captured it well.

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7196 posts

I was surprised that the luggage limitations and self-management thereof were not mentioned as that seems to be a surprise to some people.

Well it was mentioned but not stressed.

From the article: "When traveling with a Rick Steves tour, you'll carry your own bags and will be limited by the group's time needs when it comes to getting things out of your main suitcase inside the bus's lower cargo hold. Packing as lightly as possible will make movements simple and efficient..."

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1306 posts

@jkh, I was thinking that, too.

@Pam, thanks. Good to know.