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RS tours; On Call Assistance Services

I was going through my tour documents when I found information about using On Call Assistance Services. Perhaps I missed seeing this in the past, but it seems new to me and an excellent idea. Last year, several posters voice their frustrations about needing support/lack of support when a medical event caused them to leave a tour. They would try to contact RS office, but often did not get the reply that they were hoping for in the time frame they needed. I believe this service is meant to take care of those communication and support concerns.

This is a quote from RS materials. "On Call International Global Assistance Program: RSE contracts with On Call to provide 24/7 assistance for our tour members in case of illness or injury. On Call can assist in obtaining lodging, medical referrals and monitoring, language translation services, and flight rebooking."

Other services include notification about late arrival to tour, lost luggage, lost or stolen passports, medical referrals and monitoring, collection of items left behind, etc."

I'm hoping that I will not need these services on my upcoming tour, but it is good to know they are there.

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6713 posts

I think they have had a similar service, provided by Travel Guard, for some years past. Maybe they've switched to another contractor. Travel Guard wasn't much help to me last year when I called. It definitely helps to have something like this available, and relieves the RS office in Edmonds from dealing with contingencies like illness or lost luggage or missed connections.

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9168 posts

Carol et al, did this used to be on a little card that they would ask you to cut out and keep handy, with all the relevant phone numbers?

Posted by
12246 posts

This is a quote from RS materials. "On Call International Global Assistance Program: RSE contracts with On Call to provide 24/7 assistance for our tour members in case of illness or injury. On Call can assist in obtaining lodging, medical referrals and monitoring, language translation services, and flight rebooking."

Is that a service included with the cost of the tour, or an optional extra cost service you have to add on?

Posted by
1258 posts


Carol et al, did this used to be on a little card that they would ask
you to cut out and keep handy, with all the relevant phone numbers?

In my documents for and upcoming tour, this On Call Services information is printed on a card-sized illustration that appears to be designed to be cut out, folded, and carried in a wallet or such.

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9168 posts

bogiesian, That's what I was thinking. I remember the cards, but didnt pay much attention to them. Now I see the usefulness of this.