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2928 posts

thanks for the pointer, Tammy -
it's interesting simply to see the contrast when other guides who specialize in European guided travel who don't have the blessing/curse of being the face of a big enterprise, as RS does, can be freer in their discussions of concerns and difficulties.
Even with that frankness, though, I'm still surprised that I don't hear more about how buffet lines are not going to be coming back. That style of dining was always a little too risky even before!

I was thinking of sharing a video clip of an infectious disease specialist at UC San Francisco talking about rating the risk of various types of transport and leisure activities, and he very bluntly says, "Las Vegas really scares me" on several levels.

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6656 posts

Thanks, Tammy. Love Sarah's final prediction: travel back within a year, tighter and smarter than ever. Yes!

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1026 posts

Thanks for sharing Tammy. Loved the guides information. Love to travel with them sometime!

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1326 posts

Thanks for posting this, Tammy.
I catch Sarah's Facebook stuff very intermittently and had missed this.
It was very interesting, with a lot of thought-provoking ideas.

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1326 posts

I forgot to add that Rainier was the assistant guide for the Village Italy tour that I took about 20 years ago.
It was fun to see his face and to see that he is doing well.

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9173 posts

That was a good discussion, with interesting views from experienced and observant people. I think the main take away for me was that these folks (not speaking for anyone but themselves, mind you) were saying that in these circumstances they would not be comfortable leading tour groups in the absence of a vaccine. Predictions for smaller (and more expensive) tour groups, makes me think that the existing tour model from RSE will need a total re-work before resuming.

But I think the best point from one of the hosts was something to the effect of "people say they want to go to the untouristy places, but they don't really want to go to the untouristy places because there's no plumbing there. What they really mean is they want to go to the cool places but without the crowds". They were pointing out the great opportunity there will be for non-crowded travel during the recovery period.