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Rick Steves’ Tour Brochure

I wish Rick Steves would label where each of the pictures were taken in the tour brochure. Many times I come across a picture and have no idea where it was taken. The cover photo is identified, but none of the other pictures.

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23682 posts

No, no that is part of the game. If you recognize the picture, you are an insider -- a traveler. If you don't, then you are just another tourist who needs to travel more. Marketing ---------

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3113 posts

@Frank: My wife and I often note each picture on the Viking ads with "2014 trip", "2017 trip". It's all inside baseball with Viking. The only odd thing is that you never see the views when on the cruise that you see in the ads, unless you take a human-size drone over.

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2178 posts

...........and when is Halong Bay actually as clear and pretty as it is in travel brochures? Definitely NOT when we were there (sadly)....lots of smog. Oh how I wished..........

Agree, it is always nice to know exactly what the pictures represent. Good suggestion for the RS catalog (although we have been dumped from the mailing list since we have not taken an RS tour in a several years). But the RS office might want to rethink that, because little to they know how much I recycle catalogs to others who ask us for recommendations on where to go and with whom to travel for tours. I pass along a lot of catalogs from other tour brands, but just suggest folks click on the RS web site, since that's the best I can do in the way of info on the tours offered.

And, for those of us who have traveled A LOT, sometimes the photos are just a "yep, been there" (smile), then turn the page. Always fun to relive the memories of where one has traveled (sort of mentally stepping back into the photo), but fun to still have places to look forward to where one has not yet traveled. Travel catalogs make for good (de-stressing) bed-time reading, as they sure beat the late night news.

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11722 posts

Our overnight on a small four suite boat in Halong Bay looked just like the posters! Sorry you had bad weather.

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7183 posts

(although we have been dumped from the mailing list since we have not taken an RS tour in a several years)

Just because you don't get one automatically, it's easy to request one on the website. I do it every year even though I've never taken a RS tour. I love the tour catalog and, you never know. maybe I'll win the lottery one of these days and then I'll be able to take a tour. :)