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"Pickle Women" in Spain

In his Travel News on Spain, Rick mentioned:

In this corner of Europe, farmers' markets are cauldrons of edible culture. It's common to find "pickle women" who push little banderillas (skewers of pickled olives, onions, and carrots named for the bangled spear that a matador sticks into the bull) on tentative travelers' taste buds. I'll never forget gingerly sliding an onion off the tiny spear as the matron firmly stopped me, insisting that it must be eaten all at once — the pickle equivalent of throwing down a shot of vodka. Explosivo!

Does anyone know where the farmers' market he was describing is?
Does anyone know what the Spanish call them?


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I found this older article from Rick Steves (I think early 2000s) that mentions Arcos de la Frontera:

I'm in Arcos de la Frontera, in the south of Andalucía, but I could be just about anywhere in Spain. The town's entertaining market is my first stop. The pickle woman encourages me to try a banderilla, named for the bangled spear that a matador sticks into the bull. As I gingerly slide an onion off the tiny skewer of pickled olives, onions, and carrots, she tells me to eat it all at once — the pickle equivalent of throwing down a shot of vodka. Explosivo! The lady in the adjacent meat stall bursts into laughter at my shock.