I am on this tour but would like to explore several locations that we are not going to as a group. If you are on the same tour and would like to explore the following, let me know. Perhaps we can explore together as a small group.
1. Musee Rodin -- Check it out at: http://www.musee-rodin.fr/en/home
2. le Musée national Picasso -- Check it out at: http://www.museepicassoparis.fr/
3. Eiffel Tower -- Check it out at: http://www.toureiffel.paris/
4. Aux Trois Mailletz, see: http://www.timeout.com/paris/en/music-and-nightlife/aux-trois-mailletz
I think that should take care of any 'free' time we have.
See you in Paris
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