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On the RS Tour Bus - Assigned, Rotation, or First-come First-served Seating?

My husband and I took a non-RS 3 week European tour about a decade ago and had a blast. The guide used a daily "rotation" system, giving everyone a chance for a good seat/view. Day one everyone got on the bus, day two, we rotated one row clockwise, etc.

We are thinking about taking our first RS tour - the My Way Italy 2017. I know this is a little different than a fully escorted/guided RS tour and it's for 13 days. Just wondering what it's like on the bus.

What are your experiences?

Posted by
2567 posts

You will find that only about half the seats are occupied on the bus. On the three RS tours that we have taken, people switched seats daily without being asked. I don't recall anyone hogging any particular seats on the bus.

Posted by
5295 posts

Been on many RS tours and there has never been any type of assigned seating, rotational seating, or any other managed seating. It's generally sit where you want, when you want, and with whom you want. Everyone has always been very considerate, understanding, and we've never encountered any hogging of the "best" seats. The bus will only be about half full so there is plenty of room to relocate several times during the day if one so desires. It affords everyone the opportunity to mix, mingle, and get to know others on the tour. Some couples split up and sit with others at times to talk, compare notes, and etc. Some might even want to have time away from the spouse?

Posted by
985 posts

Lee - on our tour the only seats that were rotated were those in the very front behind the tour guide. That way anyone who wanted had a chance at seeing some spectacular views. The rest of the time people pretty much stayed where they had initially chosen but we didn't have any problem moving to other seats when we got on board one morning to find our usual seats occupied.

Posted by
1324 posts

I've been on 5 RS tours and there was never a rotation.
I personally need to be up somewhere in the first 5 rows or so, otherwise I get nauseous, but no one ever made me feel that I was hogging a better seat. (I would have loved to be in the back where the party was ... but no way!)
I was happy to share my seat when someone wanted my company, and there was always plenty of room on the bus for everyone to sit where they wanted.
The seating always felt like a non-issue.

Posted by
3580 posts

Our guides have suggested that no one hog the front seats. Let others have a chance to sit there. The "bad" seats are in the rear for those of us who get carsick. It's bouncier there. Other than that, most seemed to just sit where they pleased.

Posted by
11520 posts

I have been on only one RS tour.. seating seemed a non issue.. there were so many empty ones. There was no rotation and no front seat hogs as I recall..

I think people who take RS tours are naturally not butt heads.

Posted by
562 posts

Hi on our recent tour most of us sat sorta in the same area everyday. Our guide made a point of saying all seats were open. The same person did sit in the front seat everyday. She said others could sit with her. It didn't seem to be an issue. Our guide said the 3rd row was actually the most stable for car sickness.

No party on our bus. I found the best view was actually by the second entrance. They had two great side windows. No seat in front of them.

Everyone usually is very friendly on RS tours so I am sure you will be fine on the bus.

Enjoy your trip

Posted by
62 posts

Been on one RS tour - agree with the others - there is plenty of room, and although folks seemed to sit in the same general spaces most days, there was a little moving around and never a fight for seats or similar. Hardly anyone sat in the front couple of rows, except during times when we were on narrow, winding roads, when our guide suggested that those who might have motion sickness might want to sit up front. There was plenty of room and seating was never an issue. I've heard (but never been on) other tours where they fill up a bus to capacity that the guides make you move around, but this wasn't an issue for a small group on a big bus.

Posted by
10 posts

Thank you all for your sharing your experiences.
Sounds like like minded souls are on RS tours. That's very encouraging.
We just signed up for a My Way Italy 2017 tour so perhaps we'll be bus mates!

Posted by
2787 posts

I have been on 14 RS tours in the last 15 years and seating on the bus has never been assigned with the exception of the guide saying that the front seat needs to be rotated so that everyone has a chance to sit there. Of course you might just have a group that has a person who says that they need to sit in the front seat every day because they get car sick. However, this has only happened a time or two for us. We usually sit in the area by the back door for easy in and out. Sure is nice to have so many seats on the bus so folks can move around and have one or two seats. I sometimes sit with my wife and other times take two seats to stretch out since I am 6' 2". Happy travels.

Posted by
244 posts

We took the My Way Italy tour a few years ago. You are going to absolutely love it! As far as the bus is concerned, our tour director asked us to rotate seats during the tour. As others have said you get two seats per person if you want. Very relaxing and comfortable! As I recall, those couples that wanted to sit next to each other tended to sit in the front. Those of us that wanted to spread out sat in the back. Great experience! Have fun!

Posted by
61 posts

I've been on 2 RS tours, but there was not a lot of bus time. I get motion sick very easily so I have to sit in front. This was not an issue: as others have said, there is plenty of room. I got to the bus early and was one of the first to board (I had told the tour guide in advance, but there was no problem). From what I observed, most people napped. Many years ago, I was with a different tour company with a much larger group than RS has. Someone mentioned rotating seats, but nobody forced it (sorry, but I wouldn't have done it anyway. Nausea sucks).

Posted by
284 posts

I have been on 12 RS tours.

I usually go for the very last row on the bus. Only on one tour did someone else want this row. This was when they needed to lay down (not from motion sickness). I sat towards the back on those days.

On one or two times I sat up front for very specific days in order to have a good view ahead and get a good drive by photo of very specific sites.

Posted by
489 posts

Just returned from our RS tour and after the second day everyone seemed to have mapped out their seats. We had 29 on our tour and we definitely did NOT all have 2 seats for everyone. I was told on this forum that I could sit with others and chat, well that wasn't welcomed, but with the one single person (thank goodness for her, because one morning my stomach wasn't 100% and we were on curvy mountain roads and I needed a seat near the front) otherwise after the 2nd day you'll probably be sitting in the same general area for the trip. If you like to ask questions, then sit near the front. People were very possessive of their seats and the same couple sat in the front seats 80% of the time.

Posted by
812 posts

I am surprised that anyone feels entitled to claim the front seat. I could understand it if they paid a premium for such an advantage. Perhaps people who have continual motion sickness shouldn't attempt travel that involves extensive bus travel. How much better morale could be if a sense of fairness and camaraderie prevailed in a group. It's not wise for RS tour groups to allow resentment to fester.

Posted by
9085 posts

We've been on three, and on each, the tour leader mentioned that the front seat should be shared. After a while, people settled into the seats they preferred and no one complained or moved. On one, no one sat in the first seat the whole trip. The leaders made a point of asking that people let them know if they had seat issues and they would make sure they were taken into account.

We never wanted to sit there, as there isn't much more to see than any other seat, except the roadway. I can see it being an issue for people with motion sickness, but I have confidence that the tour leader would take care of it.

Posted by
3373 posts

I'm a little confused about tgreen's post and going on my first tour in many, many years, a RS tour, in 2017. tgreen's post bothers me. I do get motion sickness so I will tend to be in a middle to near front when I can, but will also take dramamine incase I can't. What I don't understand is how people can save their seats because the bus is parked and people go to a hotel. Do they rope their seats off or something? It would not be fair to always sit in the best seats so why wouldn't people just sit in a hogging couple's seats before they arrive? Or ask them to vary their seating? I'm easy going, but when people are not fair it does annoy me, and I'm unlikely to remain silent, particularly if they are inconveniencing other people. Or I might remain silent and sit in their seats. But really, I think this is the tour guide's duty to make sure shifts are made. I'm not used to traveling with ungracious people so now I'm a bit worried. Will I end up a grump for speaking up if this is happening?

Posted by
5295 posts

Wray, Not to worry. On a number of our tours there have been an individuals with motion sickness problems. I don't recall there ever being a problem with those folks being accommodated -- not only by the tour guide, but the rest of the group as a whole. Everyone was considerate and understanding. I really don't think you'll have a problem with "seat grumps".

Posted by
1626 posts

I had the same reaction. I am afraid if I observed that kind of behavior I would sit in "someone else's seat" on purpose even if it wasn't that important to me to sit in the front. Even if they had "marked" their seats with a sweater or what not.

tgreen, can you elaborate a little more? Did you have a grumpy group?
Also, before your trip you were asking about getting enough "me time" on your tour. How did that work for you?

Posted by
489 posts

yes, I will try to elaborate. Everyone was cordial and on the day I felt not 100% the front row offered to move after I moved up with the lone lady. The motion sickness people (and there were many) parked in the front. We were never asked to move our seats while sitting in the back. One couple took over the last seats, but one day we came first and tried them. I find the very last seats not all that comfortable except to lay out and sleep. Our bus rides were very interesting on almost all bus trips and we spent many hours on the bus. 5-6 hrs per day for at least half the time. Actually, we sat in the front row the first day out and then promptly gave it up to the couple that parked there most of the rest of the trip.
Don't worry about your trip, because after about a few days we were given a piece of paper to write comments about the trip so far, in order to make it better for all with no names please. I didn't write anything as I didn't have any issues until after the paper was distributed, but someone wrote that couples should always sit together at first, then if there were seats not taken they could spread out. I found this comment a bit curious as there was only one group of women traveling as a pair, but single and always wanted their own seats. We had one single woman who I know paid the single premium but she was so pleasant that can't imagine she wrote that comment.
I saw that a river was going to be on our left for most of one afternoon, so I asked if I could sit with a women on the left of the bus who had split from her husband and she gave me a curious look and said that I could have her seat and she would sit with her husband (this was early in the trip) I told her that I would ask this single woman to sit with her and in fact, we had a wonderful conversation. Whoever said that you could sit with others and they would chat with you wasn't on my trip.
Someone said that the seat just after the back door is premium. I agree, but one guy kept taking it every day and never with his wife. We sat as a couple the second day in this seat. We had mostly first time RS tour people and even though they were nice, they also were looking out for themselves on every turn.

Posted by
489 posts

and to Wray and Leeluxe, don't fret and worry about the bus. I found the tour guides and tour hosts know so much and understand the best way to manage us travelers on the bus.

I kept telling myself: At least we are not having to find our own transportation. Our driver was the best sport and even though he rarely spoke english, he sat next to me on one of our group dinners and I did find out a few things about him. I can not say enough about the quality of the driver.

I can say with confidence that the RS tour guides and drivers are top in Europe. The folks you get on the trip, well, that is ... random.

Posted by
489 posts

to Vanderbrud, thanks for remembering.

Yes, I did get some me time as I was very surprised at the "free time" on each tour. I was able to book a separate tour of Game of thrones in Split and another in Dubrovnik, both were very fun with spirited excellent tour guides and completely different than the tour guides with the RS tours (don't get me wrong, but the RS local guides are experts, but dry at times) The guides I had for the G of T tours had amazing energy and the groups were younger and fun.

My husband was also happy with the free time and had time to go off on his own and also book a great guided bike tour at Split. Overall, I feel the free time was well planned and needed.

Posted by
14997 posts

I've had that seat just past the back door and don't find it premium at all. There is less leg room, the table is fixed and later in the trip if people have been using the bathroom it can get a bit ripe! I'm happy if someone wants to grab it because I don't want it!

If someone is taking the front seats all the time, the guide should definitely address that. I hope you mentioned that in your eval. That is something they need to address in their yearly guide summit in Jan.

Posted by
61 posts

On both my RS trips, I was the only one in the front seats. I would have welcomed companionship and conversation, since due to motion sickness I cannot sleep or read. Most of the travel was on interstates similar to the US. I would have been fine with moving back a row to accommodate other tour members' needs. Thankfully both my groups were very friendly and I was able to join couples for dinners and side trips.

Posted by
308 posts

I have been on two RS tours and the bus culture was vastly different on each. On my first RS tour, most people wanted to sit in the front so my husband and I made it a point to hang out in the back. We mostly sat apart on the bus as well.

On my second RS tour, we had a full tour so there were not quite two seats for every person on the bus, but EVERYONE wanted to sit on their own. This caused a little grumbling because if you were one of the last people to get on the bus you might have a hard time finding an empty row! My husband and I made it a point to always sit together to help with this.

Posted by
368 posts

I have been on 5 RS tours and have never experienced problems on the bus. What I did find was that people preferred a section of the bus. I generally sit in the middle but have also moved to the front or the back to give others a chance at the middle. We have never had anyone hog the front seat. Like another poster, I have found the front seats usually remain empty.

As for chatting on the bus, If it was a bus day I found that most of the tour members slept, read, or in the case of the Switzerland tour stared out the window at the scenery.

Posted by
1626 posts

I am glad to hear all of the good reports about the buses. I am not that picky about where I sit on the bus but I might get a burr under my saddle if people aren't being fair. The tour that I was on (CIE in Ireland) did have rotating assigned seats. Most of the time I went to the back of the bus to have my own row, but I did enjoy one scenic drive in the front row.

tgreen, glad to hear that you had a successful tour and were able to enjoy some company and some solitude.

Posted by
562 posts

Sorry to hear the bus ride had some issues. We have been on five tours but mostly city so no bus. This was our first long bus ride tour.

As I mentioned the Guide did tell people to rotate the front seat. If you are upset and want the front seat I would suggest talking to the guide first. I and my daughter get car sick. I get car sick very easily. We did not ever sit in the front seat. We sat anywhere from the second to fourth row. We took medicine every day for car sickness and wore the bands. Even though we had some winding roads I am happy to say in 14 days we never got car sick! We did not sit in the same seat everyday but the same area more or less as did the rest of our bus. My husband and son sat in the middle. Not sure who sat in the back?

I am not sure how many rows there are. Most tours have 28 people so would need to do the math. So not everyone can have their own seat. I know on our bus there were open rows. Some people sat together everyday. My daughter sat with me everyday. My husband and son sometimes sat together sometimes in their own row.

People did talk to each other on the bus and everyone was very friendly. Too bad you did not experience the same thing on your tour. I think if you are having problems go to the guide first. I am interested though when you wrote down things you did not like about the tour the guide read them out loud? We wrote down items but the guide did not read them out loud.

I think if you have an open mind and are friendly you will have a great time on a RS tour.

Posted by
241 posts

I've taken several Rick Steves tours and there has never been an issue with sharing seats on the bus. I'm not a fan of the front seat. You might be able to see a different view but the one time I sat in the front I found the leg room limited. I would rather stretch out in the middle of the bus. I left the front seat to those with shorter legs than mine.

Posted by
1273 posts

. I was told on this forum that I could sit with others and chat, well that wasn't welcomed

I would say it was similar on my RS trips. People were cordial and often even put together informal groups on the free dinner nites to mix things up and talk with people from the tour, so I'm not complaining about the groups! But I wouldn't want someone to think that you hop on the bus and plop yourself down next to anyone expecting they will be delighted to chat; I did not see that happening on any trip I took.

As far as the front seat, the guides did mention sharing. On the BOE trip I took there was one couple that more or less claimed the 2nd row back from the driver as their own (its better than the one just behind the driver which has limited legroom); they always were the 1st ones on the bus, and that's where they sat. One day I was going to take the seat just behind the driver because I wanted to see the views and the guide asked if I wanted the row the couple had claimed. I declined I, not knowing about the legroom issue. However I had the sense that if I had said yes the guide would have asked them to try another row that day.

Posted by
2324 posts

We try to vary the time we board the bus. That means that if people feel we're hogging seats, they have a chance to get there first. It also means that if there are extra seats, we don't feel badly about sitting separately. I get horribly car sick, but I don't find sitting in the front seat helps at all. Now I just make sure I take my children's dose Dramamine 30 minutes before we go and frequently sleep through the bus ride. One reason we like the RS tours is that frequently we're in a town for 2-3 days and not on a bus everyday.