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257 posts

I don’t expect any Covid reports this year. We are currently on tour, a very few masking, no pre tour test and no one displaying any symptoms. Much less emphasis on Covid than last year. Finally we are again “traveling like a local” as Rick suggests.

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8666 posts

I don’t think they will be reporting in that manner this year. I do think Covid is still an issue, but it is an issue that we as a society are learning to live with. Everyone traveling knows it is a possibility on any tour or any sort of travel experience. People have learned to take precautions on their own. I am also currently on tour. I put my very best efforts into arriving to my tour Covid free. I limited contacts with others about a week prior to the tour and masked up on all public transport including my flights. We are a week into the tour and so far everyone has remained healthy.

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6391 posts

Stan and I were on a tour in February, and there was very little mask wearing. I wore mine most of the time, and always on public transport and indoors; Stan wore his on public transport; and I don't remember anyone else wearing them, not often if at all.

I still wear mine quite a bit at home, but I'm loosening up a bit.

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42 posts

Good news. That will help people considering RS tours to make an informed decision. I am happy to report that we just returned from the RS Portugal Tour with NO cases reported. Those who chose to, including us, masked on the bus and in indoor/outdoor crowded areas as a precaution. The only times we felt uncomfortable were at airports and on public transportation.

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42 posts

Note that the Covid numbers are said to be updated monthly (rather than weekly as was the case last year).

Probably makes sense to do this, averaging out over the longer time period with the numbers presently so low.
