My husband and I have done 5 RS regular tours but looking for something different. Thinking “My WAY” tours might be something we’d like. For those of you that have done them, what’s the average age of tour members? Is it for very active people or truly individualized for activity level? Thanks for any info.
I joined My Way Spain before Covid and Alpine Europe summer 2024 and loved both as a solo traveler. The age and composition of the tour members seemed similar to other RS tours I also have joined. The recent trip included a mother/college daughter pair and a teen with a grandparent but everyone else was older. It may depend on time of year.
A big plus for the Alpine Europe tour is that it enabled the varied level of fitness as well as level of hikes participants were interested in. Some had extensively researched challenging trails and tackled those while others were happy to go at a strolling pace. The guide was really helpful at each stop with trail maps and suggestions for everyone.
I don't remember that there were hiking opportunities for the Spain tour? Again, though, people had done their research based on interest. Since you are making your own plans upon arrival, the activity level is very much up to you! It was really nice to have the transportation in place and a great hotel waiting.
There were still opportunities to gather as a group socially, often for drinks before dinner at the hotel. And tour members went off to meals together- or not (like me!) So it is definitely the "best of both worlds" if you like the camaraderie but want some more flexibility than being tethered to a group for daily activities.
Isn’t the whole point of My Way is that everyone is on their own to do things their own way; creating your own itinerary and activity level within the parameters of the transportation and location schedule of the tour?
We’ve done My Way Italy in 2022 and My Way Spain in 2024. We’re in our 70s - early and late and have found they work really well for us, although after organizing all our activities for Spain I have an even greater appreciation for how much work the guides do. In both cases we had the added advantage of repeating some of the itinerary and so we got to see places we missed on previous visits. Our Italy group had a family group which skewed young adults and there was an 8 yr.old on the Spain group with her parents. Both groups had people that did some hiking. The activity level was up to each individual. One of the pleasant surprises for us was the group camaraderie - at various times people would get together to share a meal or an activity and then also gather in the evening to share the day. There is an escort who has daily hours to answer questions and help with arrangements, but everyone on the tours seemed very self-sufficient.
We wish there were more of these tours, especially as we get older.
I agree with KD. You create your tour activities so you’re in charge of your activity level. RS is providing the hotel locations, transportation to those hotels and a guide for advice.
The my way tours are the feature this month for the tour news. You might find these helpful: