Hi, I was wondering about the bus time on this trip. My son wants to go to Germany & Switzerland for his high school graduation. He wants action & adventure...I found something in each of the stops that would suit his wants. My husband is prone to motion sickness. I see there are times listed on the bus, looks like 4 days. I'm worried about mountain routes, that they'll make him more likely to be sick.
I could plan something else myself, but I like that this will give my son a taste of 5 countries and he'll be less likely to get bored. He doesn't like museums or things like that. I like to keep it simple and travel slow with minimal stops when doing it on my own so I think he'd end up bored with 3 or 4 nights in a single place.
I like that this tour will provide the transportation and hotels and we can just plan our days. And the fact that there might be other teens his age that he might get along with instead of just having his parents for company for 2 weeks.