Has anyone ever taken a medium suitcase instead of a carry on? If so, how was it. I'm still trying to figure out how I'll pack for a 9 day trip with just a carry on. I'll make it work if needed, but prefer to go a step up to a medium. Thanks for any advice.
I'm not sure what you mean by a "medium" suitcase? Do you have something particular in mind?
A carry-on is basically any suitcase or backpack or other bag that fits in the upper bin on a flight. Each airline has their own rules about what will fit. For example, Delta's carry-on bag size limit is 22x14x9, including handles and wheels. So if your medium suitcase fits within those dimensions, then you can carry it on. If it doesn't, you will have to check it.
Suitcases come in a set of 3 - carry on, medium and large. I'm talking the next size up from a carry on. I know it'd have to be checked. Just wondering has anyone ever gone larger than the carry on and if so, did they find it hard lugging around.
I have not taken a Rick Steves tour. However, I know you can bring any size luggage that will fit in the hold of the tour bus as long as you can handle it yourself.
This means up and down stairs, possibly a couple blocks of walking from bus to hotel, on and off trains if that is part of your itinerary.
Also, you will need to check a medium size case when flying.
I have traveled 3 weeks with a carry-on suitcase and small personal bag. Rethink what and how you pack.
I will say at 5'2" there is no way I would want to haul around anything bigger that 21" or 22". I also try to keep my total bag weight including the suitcase itself to under 17 pounds.
We do it by doing laundry, but if you think you won't have any trouble lifting the suitcase and maneuvering it around, then it is up to you!
I rely on carry on because my plan rarely involved staying in my arrival city, making a big problem if my suitcase does not arrive. For trips when I need more than a carry on will hold, I check it and forget it.
On a Rick Steves tour you are encouraged to use a carry on size suitcase (22 inches or thereabouts) BUT there is plenty of room in the bus luggage compartment to accommodate bigger cases. The main issue is that you have to handle the suitcase yourself - up flights of stairs possibly and pulling it some way if the bus can't get close to your lodging.
It might help to know which tour you are considering?
Packing in a carry on size suitcase does require a different frame of reference. I've converted to carry on because along with tours I am usually on a train or two and need to handle my suitcase myself. I have my packing list pared down and can easily travel for 6-8 weeks in a 21 inch bag. That's my style but it may not be yours!
Go ahead and check a bag. But if you want to pack light, there's plenty of advice here ricks pack light tips as well as a Search on previous discussions. It takes an adjustment in mindset. For 9 days, you dont need 9+ different outfits, 9+ sets of underwear, socks multiple shoes, etc. Some quick laundry and you are re-set. I have a 10 day trip coming up and I pack for 5 days, and wear the same clothes more than once. Especially on a RS tour, nobody cares that you're not in a fresh outfit twice a day, and nobody dresses for dinner.
Oh, gotcha. Yes, as the others have said, you can bring something bigger but consider how difficult it will be to schlep around. That's why I bring a carry-on and personal bag only, even though I usually check my carry-on. I only took a carry-on to England last year and I was gone for almost 6 weeks. Like Pam said, it's really easy to travel with a limited wardrobe and it makes such a difference.
I don't know if you've seen this, but you might get some ideas from reading Rick's articles about packing light. https://www.ricksteves.com/travel-tips/packing-light
What many of us do is prepack. For example, I will have an idea of the clothes I want to bring, will pull them out, do a test pack and see how heavy the bag is. At that point, I start removing and/or changing items. I decide if I will really need something, and by the time I'm done, my bag is down to a manageable weight.
If you are going on a RS tour that includes bus time, I would suggest you load your medium suitcase up with the approximate weight you think it will be and see how you do carrying it up a couple flights of stairs. In my opinion that’s going to tell you whether a medium size is going to work or not.
You can take any size suitcase you want. There is no shame in checking a suitcase for your flights. HOWEVER once in Europe you must be able to handle your luggage yourself. This mean up and down stairs; walking over cobblestones to hotels which can be 1/2 mile; on and off of trains if you are traveling on trains before, after or during your tour.
Remember that you can take a personal item. It will hold the overflow from you suitcase and items you can't afford to lose, like prescriptions. Just be sure you are within the airline's size and weight guidelines.
It's taken a bit of practice, but I can now pack for a month using the RS Rolling Carry-On, a lightweight squishable tote as a personal item and a small purse. I pack a packable backpack for day trips or to hold raincoat or jacket if weather is changeable. I do sink wash usually every other day or the first day of a two day stay.
I travel solo so have to manage everything myself. As Pam and Stan said, it's a different mindset. I still struggle to take only the absolute necessities, no or few "what ifs". I can buy things in Europe if I need to. Souvenirs (Christmas ornaments) are my downfall, so I have learned to cut down the number, buy flat items or ship larger things home.
If you haven't done so, make a detailed packing list of everything you want to take. Critically review it: do you need or just want an item. Do a test pack. Measure and weigh your suitcase and personal item. Revise your packing list. Do another test pack. Revise and test until you feel you can easily manage everything. It will take several attempts.
Have a great trip. The packing will work out. Relax and enjoy. Which tour are you going on?
My husband and I are taking medium sized checked bags on our 17-day Rick Steves tour in May, BUT they won't be completely full, so they won't be heavy. We'll be hiking in the Dolomites and the Cinque Terre, and we want our hiking poles, which aren't allowed in carry-on bags. Last weekend we heard Rick speak at the Bay Area (California) travel show, and he mentioned that he will be traveling to the Dolomites this September, and checking a bag, because he will be bringing hiking poles.
My husband and I took these same suitcases to Paris and Switzerland on our own in 2023, and we had no trouble taking them on multiple trains when traveling from Paris to Murren, or the cable car up to Murren, or rolling them through town to our apartment in Murren.
Just as important as the size of the suitcase is the WEIGHT of it, especially if you are traveling on a European airline. European airlines have strict weight restrictions for both checked and carry-on bags. A lighter weight checked bag will also be much easier to maneuver. On a Rick Steves tour, you must be able to handle all your luggage 100 percent on your own, including potentially lugging it up several flights of narrow stairs at your hotel.
In addition to our checked bag, my husband and I each take a small backpack as a carry on (with a change of clothes in case our checked bags arrive late, which has happened to me more than once), and crossbody bags as our personal item (with everything we want to access during the flight). All within the airlines' size and weight limits. This combo works well for us. We will use our backpacks when hiking, and our crossbody bags when out sightseeing (as these are large enough to stash a light sweater and have a sleeve for a small water bottle.
Basically, what everyone else said applies but I’ll also add, I’ve taken 10 RS tours and on more than a few the guide carried a 25” suitcase. So no worries, nobody cares what you bring.
Also if you are curious about how people manage a smaller bag, you’ll have lots of people you can ask while you’re traveling together.
Thank you all!! So many great ideas. I'm going on the 9 day Heart of Italy tour. We do have a free day mid tour so my goal was to try and pack 4 or 5 outfits and then do laundry and re-wear those same outfits. I only plan 2 pair of shoes - tennis shoes and sandals. it just seemed that a carry on even for those few items seemed small. I will definitely do a test run and see. It would be nice not to have to check a bag. Again, thanks for the input!!!
We have taken 6 RS tours and getting ready to leave in one week for our 7th. The first trip we tried using a carryon and good size backpack. Since then we use 25” 2 wheel suitcases and smaller backpacks to take on the plane. We wear our money belts from RS and also fanny packs. We are 74 and 79 and find that pulling our 2 wheel suitcase is easier than having a heavy backpack along with a carryon. Yes getting anything upstairs is a struggle in your 70’s but our suitcases have a padded handle on one side so one does not have to lift it so high to clear the stairs. We do some laundry in the sink and use a laundromat when we can find one. We each carry a second pair of shoes which tend to use up lots of space. Luckily I had an extra pair of shoes to wear since on one of our evening walks my shoe found dog poo ugh! Lots of soap and thorough scrubbing and a few days to dry I was back in business with an extra pair of shoes. When we did our first tour with just the carryon and medium size backpack I was stressed out with constant washing in the sink and hoping clothes would dry in time. If we could find a laundromat we would use it but then had to be careful about dryers being too hot so would bring some things back to the hotel to dry. We usually go 3 to 4 days before tour starts and stay 2 to 3 days after it finishes. We try to keep the weight down in our 25” 2 wheel suitcases so that if need be we can bring home a few souvenirs without having to purchase another bag to bring them home in. We have seen all kinds of luggage/backpacks that tour mates have used on our six tours. One time a couple came with a wine suitcase and left it in the bus storage area. At the different cites we toured the husband would buy a bottle of wine to take home. On our last tour we ran in to a couple a day after the tour was over and they were looking for a suitcase to buy to be able to take home everything they had purchased. Might take a few tours before you figure out what works for you. We all have different needs and comfort levels.
My girlfriend has taken a very large suitcase on her 3 Rick Steve's tours. At 74yo she is in great shape and able to handle it, but can be a bit of a challenge going up some of the narrow windy stairs. She gets a lot of looks and comments but she doesn't let it bother her. I think she is crazy, but she cares a lot about fashion so as long as it doesn't infringe on the rights of others I guess each to his own. I travel for 5-6 weeks with just my backpack to keep my hands free and usually able to keep the weight around 20lbs which i find very doable as a 73 yr old solo traveler.
Regarding the hiking poles I have had no problems taking my poles on several international flights. Never even been questioned. I shorten one and use at airport to help with my balance and then just strap the other one to outside of my backpack. I too had read where you can't get them through TSA but I called TSA and they said as long as used for balance then would never ask you not to use them. As a precaution I had my Dr. write a letter stating it made sense to use walking poles rather than a cane since i would be out hiking. I have never needed to show the letter. I fly out of Seattle and have flown to Amsterdam, Portugal, Rome, Paris, London, Eastern Europe and Mexico and so far never been an issue. Hope that helps and have wonderful travels.
4 or 5 outfits for 9 days? Why?
Nobody cares if you were to rewear items of clothing.
I spent 6 weeks in London last November. Carry on only. Roller bag and small back pack with my goose down pillow. The latter fit under the seat in front of me. Was flying VA premium economy.
Yes paid to have my laundry done but only once.
Wore Gloria Vanderbilt Amanda Jeans most days. Tops were Lands End fleece zip up and pullover. Had 2 lightweight turtle necks.
Amazon raincoat with hood that goes to my knees and puffer vest that rolls up and fit in its own bag.
Simply saying IMHO you are overpacking and should reconsider eliminating 2 outfits. Lighten the load. Also London is not a 3rd world country and clothes, tooth brushes, tooth paste, hand lotion, shampoo, etc can be easily bought there.
Heart of Italy is a fabulous tour!
-In Volterra you will have to manage your bag from where the bus can drop you to the hotel as the bus can't get near it. You may not know where you are staying yet but I stayed at the La Locando. I can't figure out exactly where on the map the bus dropped us but it was more than 10 years ago so may have changed.
-In Monterosso al Mare the bus will drop you in the nearby town of Levanto at the train station. From there you will get your luggage on board the train for the short trip to Monterosso al Mare and then take it thru town to the RS hotels which are probably Albergo Pasquale and Villa Steno. You'll do it in reverse the day you leave. The train stations in both Levanto and Monterosso have sets of steps up to the tracks and no elevators so you'll have to carry your bag up/down and lift it up onto the train.
I've been to Monterosso 3 times. On 2 of those trips it was raining cats and dogs, hahaha, as we made our way either TO the hotel or back to the train station.
Definitely plan on hand washing BUT you can also wear your clothes more than one day, most likely. In Italy I figure I can go 3 days for my pants or capris and 3 or 4 days for shirts. I do wash out undies every night.
For myself, all my shirts go with all my pants so for a month's trip I take 4 short sleeve shirts and 3 pr of pants. That gives me 12 outfits right off the bat without adding a topper layer (probably will not need in Italy) or a scarf.
You may be young and strong or have a young and strong companion. I'm old and a solo traveler so I need to have luggage light enough to manage on my own.
The OP is going to Italy.
I wear most clothes twice when traveling. A squirt of Fabreeze and hanging to air out works wonders. This might be a bit harder if you are traveling during very warm weather.
Hi, for the 9-day tour, you could pack 3 outfits, plus an extra shirt. When trying to decide what to wear, set out your favorite options. Then get out your kitchen scale & a bowl to weigh each of your items. Pick the ones that weigh the least - usually those dry faster, too, after you wash them in the hotel sink.
I wash my shirts, dresses & underwear after each wearing; pants can usually go a few days. For a month, I still just bring 4 outfits.
Enjoy your trip!
Been on three RS tours and the first one did a RS brand carry on roller bag. It was great but definitely got tricky as the trip proceeded and I picked up things here and there. We have switched to a 25" roller bags (medium bag) and it's been fine. Feels like there's some pressure put on not checking your bag and keeping it super small. If you can carry it yourself, do what you want and what works for you! I personally don't want to wear the same outfits over and over so I mix and match and take a little bit larger bag. My husband wears a size 13 shoe so a carry-on just isn't a possibility - haha! His shoes take up so much space and one pair just isn't enough.
We usually book something to do on our own after our RS tours. The last trip we took, we brought a third bag (carry on sized) that we left on the bus for the entire tour. We then had some fresh clothes that suited our "vacation from our vacation" which was great for us.
Besides any issues with missing bags, if you want to bring something bigger and check your bags, do it. Enjoy your tour!
I’m guessing you’ll be wearing your tennies on the plane. so you’ll only be packing your sandals … or vice versa, but I expect that the shoes take up the most space. Take one less top and bottom, and you probably will have plenty of space using a carry-on. Or take the bigger, medium suitcase if you prefer, but don’t pack it completely full, and bag-check it instead of being able to carry it on the plane. Are you expecting to do any shopping in italy? The extra space in a bigger suitcase will be useful for your purchases! Have a great tour!
Are you talking about for a Rick Steves tour? You can take any size you can manage; meaning sometimes the bus can't drop off right in front of the hotel; sometimes the hotel has no elevator. There's no size limit or anyone measuring your luggage on the trip. The bus storage under the bus is plenty big and you'll see all sizes of luggage? I've done 3 tours with all sizes of luggage, once with carry on only; and on my last tour I packed like I was moving to Europe with all my belongings because we were traveling quite a bit after the tour, which was ridiculous but I even managed the really big suitcase I brought, but I definitely don't recommend it. Medium is reasonable.
Hi, you've gotten some great advice, I thought it was so useful that Pam described exactly how far / steps you will have to carry your own bags on the Heard of Italy trip. Personally, I would be concerned that just having a larger bag would mean you might want to take more stuff! IF and only if you want to try and take less items, here are my thoughts-
I've never made a packing list. But I've travelled a lot, so do what works for you. I always start packing a few weeks ahead, laying the essentials out on the dining room table. And I hang things along a railing - LOOK at what you're taking, and then I discard, trying not to ADD anything else.
I try to wear the most comfortable things I wear at home. Just out of curiosity, would you really wear 4-5 different outfits in 9 days at home? I tend to have a uniform, many of us probably do. So you could add one 'nicer' shirt for evenings, I like to take a few scarves as they don't weight anything, and I don't take more than 2 pairs of pants.
The other 'stuff' can add up too - I'm very anti 'just in case' items. If I won't use it multiple times, it stays home. OR If it weighs a lot. If you put all the kit out on the table, you might see things you've added 'just in case'. So unless it's tiny, I wouldn't take an umbrella, for instance. I would buy it along the way if it was really necessary. My first aid kit is minimal, really just for the plane, remember the tour will have a very good kit along. I tend to take a few extra pairs of socks because they don't weigh much and are nice to have, undies only SOMA, as they're the nearly instant drying kind.
I do take a compression bag, but that's to stuff my dirty laundry along the way, as the same exact items no longer fit on the way back. I use packing cubes, to keep shirts and undies etc separate so I'm not rummaging through clothing en route. If you spend some time at it, you will have the essentials without too much weight, & hope you have a fabulous trip!
I agree with much of what has already been posted. Lots of good advice as usual. For years I have traveled with a carry on only. Until this past year. I have only done two Rick Steves tours; first one was to Portugal with a 2 wheel carry on and small backpack. No issues but I was only gone 2 1/2 weeks.
Last year I was gone to Europe for 75 days, which included a 12 day R.S My Way Alps tour. For the first time ever I did not do a carry on for this trip, but my bag was the next size up from carry on. It was a 4 wheel spinner and I did have to drag it over some cobblestones for about two blocks to our hotel in Fussen on the tour. It was no problem on the tour not bringing a carry on. Most people do, but both tours I have been on a few people brought very large bags and managed just fine. Both tours the hotels all had elevators, albeit small.
For reference I am 71 and fairly healthy. However, I am finding it harder to lift a carry on up into the overhead compartment, particularly on the overseas flights.
That being said, where I found the larger bag more troublesome was not on the tour, it was when I was on my own in subways or metros where no elevators could be found, and on and off trains and buses! I still managed to bump the bag up and down stairs but it was not fun.
Planning another month long adventure including a 14 day RS Croatia tour, and will do carry on size bag again, but may check it! I will need less clothes because the weather will be much warmer; can leave my down jacket , etc at home. Good luck and have fun whatever you plan. Regina
I’m taking my 5th RS tour in July (England). I’ve taken 3 trips to Italy. And another to southern France. Coldest was Germany/Austria.
Regardless of how long I’m staying, I pack 3pr leggings and 6 shirts. All mix & match and coordinate with sweater(s) and jacket/rain coat. 2pr shoes, pjs, 4sets unders/socks. This includes what I wear on the plane.
This year is more difficult because I’ll be leaving 110* PHX for England and Ireland cool and rain. But I’m determined to do carry-on only.
Check historical temperatures at https://www.timeanddate.com/weather/
I just wanted to say that you may very well be able to pack your four or five outfits in a carry on-depending on the weight of the clothes and how well you pack. I take more than many people here but carry on. The trick is to pick light weight clothes and to roll them for packing. I use packing cubes. I have one for tops and one for bottoms and a third for underwear/bras & socks. It is amazing how much difference there can be in weight of clothes. For example, I have probably three black knit short sleeve tees (I am very original when I shop!) One is thicker material and weighs much more. It never gets to go on trips.
I'm going on the 9 day Heart of Italy tour. We do have a free day mid tour so my goal was to try and pack 4 or 5 outfits and then do laundry and re-wear those same outfits.
If you are like most people you will be wearing one outfit as you travel so that is one less you need to pack. Wear the biggest shoes on the plane and pack the smaller ones.
I went on a RS tour with a huge checked bag and a cabin roller in 2019. Fast forward to 2025 and I’m down to an Osprey backpack. I’ve made it a game to pack as little as possible but still be fashionable and comfortable. I use an app to map out my clothes to create a capsule. Then I mix and match the items using the app to create looks. I use scarves tied in various ways to change things up. If an item can’t be worn at least 3 times it doesn’t go.
Depending on the trip, I may use my roller bag that is carryon size with a matching rolling cabin bag. But same concept with packing.
I just got back from a 3 week trip and used the Cadence Parcel that was fantastic keeping beauty routine products organized and protected. It also didn’t take up much space like a regular toiletry bag does.
There is a lot on good advice posted for this thread, and it would be a good idea to seriously consider rethinking how much you take. While you can take a medium suitcase on a RS tour (I've seen the LARGE ones on tour), they're hard to maneuver onto public transportation and on sidewalks. Besides, do you want to risk having the airline lose your luggage? You'd be done with the tour before you ever received your clothing.
Really, it's a matter of packing. I've been on the 9 day Heart of Italy trip and you'll only need a few things. Research how to build a capsule wardrobe and go from there (for example: if the pants don't go with every top, leave them home). Lay everything out on the bed and start making outfits. It's much easier to see the big picture with it all laid out rather than hanging in the closet. The get out the shoes and do the same. It's also a good idea to ask yourself, "how much do I really need?" I find basic clothing with clean lines works better for my small frame than loud prints and on-trend items. Is it what I normally wear at home? Not really, but for travel it's easy to pack. Golf clothing works very well for travel because it packs small and looks great.
Enjoy your trip. It was one of our favorite RS tours.