What is the cheapest method to mail extra luggage back from Italy?
including a suitcase or just contents?
Can go either way. We can over pack and send back what we don't need or send back an extra suit case. All depends on what's cost effective.
neither really - it's not cheap.
I did a sample from Barcelona to NYC including a suitcase via UPS - it was over $500
here is the Italian Postal Service
hopefully it would be cheaper!
Cost effective, cheapest method - are words that do not go together well when shipping home. The smartest thing to do is not to take excessive luggage and then decide what you don't need. Decide before you go. You can go to any of the shipping services web site, FedEx, UPS,Dahl, etc., and use their estimator to get a quote on shipping anything from anywhere.
Perhaps we can help you pare down you luggage before you leave and mailing some home will be a non issue.
It looks like this topic was accidentally posted twice and we have responded in the first post. Basically, DHL is probably the best method but we don't recommend shipping anything back unless you were to purchase something special you couldn't carry home with you. Definitely try to pack light enough that you don't have to ship home.