Debbie - I've done two My Way tours. On the first, our tour manager was very good about telling us what to be prepared for in the next stop, such as when we went to Cinque Terre and Venice, only take what is needed for that one stop and leave all the extra under the bus. We had to catch trains and boats and walk a bit more than typical, so he kept us prepared for that. On our second, the tour manager was not quite a proactive. It was a new tour so all the finer details had probably not been thought out. For example, we arrived early to our lake town destination, before the rooms were ready, but many were not prepared with walking shoes, bathing suits, etc., and had to open luggage in the middle of the (small) hotel lobby and pull out stuff, and change in their public bathroom. That could have easily been avoided with a little preparation.
I think that with the Spain tour, your manager will be well prepared and, by all means, ask if you aren't sure!