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Looking for the people signed up GAS Tour Sept 7-20, 2019

Hi there,

I am trying to see if we can get together the people signed up for our tour. Brian and I seem to be the only ones who have posted, but the tour is almost full. It would be nice to get to know people (I guess I have been on Cruise Critic too long) before we go, to share ideas and travel plans.

It is interesting there is not more of this going on....actually.

Nancy and Pete
Conroe Texas

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893 posts


We have taken 7 RS tours and I am always surprised at how many people on the tours don't know and/or use the travel forum.
Even if you aren't able to connect with anyone ahead of time you will all become fast friends!

Have a Great Trip and I look forward to reading a trip report from you as the GAS tour is one that we haven't taken.

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59 posts

Still looking for tour mates taking the Sept 7 GAS tour. I know there are more of you out there!

There are
Nancy and Pete
Brians family

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101 posts

We'll be there! Arriving in Frankfurt Sept 5 and spending 2 nights in Bacharach, then taking the train to Trier on the morning of the 7th.

Brian and Terrie

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133 posts

I'm not on your tour, but I did it last year at the exact same time. It's an amazing tour and I'm sure you will have a wonderful trip. Hopefully you'll have slightly cooler weather than we did. I definitely wished I'd brought a pair of shorts to hike in, although the weather could be completely different for you this year. I also wished for short pajamas as most rooms didn't have A/C and since I was booked as a single all I had at most of the hotels was one tiny window that didn't really let any air in. On the plus side, the only time I wore my rain coat was at Trummelbach falls because of the mist, so at least we weren't wet all the time. :) In spite of the heat, I loved every minute and would do it again in a heartbeat.

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59 posts

HI Brian and Terrie,

We are arriving a bit earlier to Frankfurt, on the 3rd, and staying in Bacharach until it morning of the 6th. Then heading to Trier to stay one night prior to the tour. Perhaps we will see you both there in Bacharach.

Thanks for all the great positive things about this tour, it does seem to be one on everyone's favorite list, that's for sure. I agree that it is probably a bit harder to pack for possible cold or warm weather though, but have heard Sept is a great month in the Alps.

I hope that others will introduce themselves before our grand adventure starts!


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101 posts

Nancy, we will be at the Rhein Hotel Bacharach. We thought about a little more time on the Rhine, but we’re also spending 3 nights in Prague after the tour wraps up in Vienna.

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59 posts

Yeah well I am considering the first day, which will be long on travel and the next am sort of a bust to recover from jet lag. Neither of us typically has too much of an issue with it, but wanted to have enough time to enjoy Bacharach too. We are doing 4 nights post in Paris, which will be fun!

We are staying at the Am Markt, the winery and newer look seemed better for recovering jet lag and getting a quieter and air conditioned room. I would definitely like to eat at Stubers one night!

Getting closer!!

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101 posts

We've booked an overnight flight that we'll be able to sleep on. We arrive in Frankfurt at 8:55am local time. We may take the train to Bingen, then the KD Line boat from there to Bacharach. Otherwise we'll take the train all the way to Bacharach. We'll see what the weather is like and what we feel like doing. The rest of the day we'll relax a little and explore Bacharach. We've done red-eye flights like this on previous trips to Europe and it's always worked out well for us.

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59 posts

Hey Brian,

Redeyes work for us too, even though I cannot sleep on a plane. I do fine with very little sleep for a day or so...My main plan is to try to get into Bacharach and walk a bit (hopefully it is nice), eat and reboot, so a dark and quiet hotel room is good. I thin we are going to do the KD line tour at least from Bacharach to St Goar, but also possibly south the Bingen too.

I also want to hike up in the hills behind town and see the ruins and towers there, and of course, drink some wine :).

I have not looked at timetables too much yet, but will likely buy us each a one day pass. It seems as the most logical way to get around.

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17 posts

I'll be on a different GAS tour this coming summer (the July 20-August 2 one), but have been hearing great things about it, and hope your trip goes well, too, here. Wish I could do a September excursion myself, but early June to mid-August is about the only window available to me during the year.

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59 posts

Just bumping this up a bit and we are still looking for our tour mates for our GAS tour beginning Sept 7! Don't be shy, come say hi!


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59 posts

Hi Brian!

It seems like maybe we are with a group of seasoned tour vets, since no one else is posting. It is getting closer now!
Are your plans all set?


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101 posts

Hello Nancy,
Our plans are pretty much set. Our flights, pre and post tour hotels are all locked in. We've picked some restaurants we're interested in and some free time activities, but we plan to stay flexible once we get there.