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Least Active Tours

Several years ago I took the RS Sicily tour and loved it. I am interested in doing another tour but have some issues which would preclude the more active tours. Does anyone have suggestions for me? I know all the tours have a scale of least to most active, but I'd love some inside information.

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89 posts

I took the Scandinavia tour a few years ago and found it much less actively demanding than the other RS tours I've been on. Also, the Heart of Belgium and Holland looks like it has a pretty low activity rating.

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377 posts

Consider a My Way tour if you want to control your activity level.

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418 posts

My husband and I took the Eastern France tour last Fall. It was less active than some of the other tours we've taken. It is a fabulous tour with lots of wineries, quaint cities and some fabulous mountains. We had just finished the Best of Paris which was fairly active. You can always sit out a portion of the tour that you think might be too hard for you. It's hard to not go on everything because you've paid the money and you don't want to miss out on anything, but you know your limitations.

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15686 posts

The tour info pages don't make any differentiation between strenuous walking and lots of walking. Just about every day on the Greece tour involved going up and down some steep hills. I saw that the Venice/Florence/Rome tour is rated at most active, but it seems to be almost all because of the number of miles walked, not the terrain, though admittedly there are often lots of stairs. The day at the Vatican Museums and St. Peter's is listed as strenuous, even though the whole afternoon is free time.

You haven't indicated what your issues are. Tours that focus on one or several cities may be suitable. If there is an activity that you think will be too much for you, you can opt out and arrange with your guide how to meet up with the group later and what you could do as an alternative.

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8672 posts

I think you should call the tour office and ask them. I'll bet they've been asked this before.