I've been reading the descriptions on a number of tours and the descriptions of walking sound pretty extreme. You're strongly warned that you're going to be walking eight miles a day, straight up a rocky, uneven Mt. Everest and after going on your forced march all day, you come back to a forth story, cold-water walkup room where you either have to go to the basement for your coal ration for heat or sleep in your 102° degree, un-air-conditioned room before getting up at 5:00 a.m. and doing it all over again.
Okay. I may have slightly exaggerated, but that was the impression I got from the descriptions. Now I understand, they want to make sure you don't sign up your 90 yo grandma with a walker to these tours, but I'm 73, in reasonably good shape. I have no idea if I can walk 8 miles a day up a mountain with uneven pavement. I don't even have a mountain with uneven pavement to practice on. Is the walking really that bad or are they just covering themselves?