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How many on Eastern European Tour??

Booked on the Eastern European Tour with a start day of June 16th from Prague. One of the more common questions I'm getting is --how many will be on the tour. Seems like I saw a figure once, but can't recall -- so I've I've resorted to my old fall-back position of just making something up. And no -- really does not matter at this point. I can get lost among two people or a hundred. Thank you.

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6635 posts

hrmeroar, you should be getting your tour roster any day now. Check your tour account on this website.

RS tours are supposed to have a max of 28, but we've been on one tour that had 29, and another that had only 9. Most of them we've been on have had from 22 to 26 people. We're booked on 2 this year; one has 26 on the list, the other has 28.

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559 posts

Hi Hrmeroar,

Yes, you should have the tour roster listed right around now. I am going on the Eastern Europe June 30 tour and under my tour account, it says the roster will be posted 4 weeks beforehand (May 31). You seem to be about 4 weeks out right now. So, go to your Tour Account Page, click 'View and Manage Tour' and scroll down to 'Documents.' Names of other tour members will be listed there, as well as the name of your Tour Guide at the top of the list.

I look forward to hearing about your trip. Have fun!

:) Gretchen

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31 posts

I’m on that trip and I’m really excited. Hope others reply so we can possibly meet up before the trip. I received an email yesterday with the roster 27 total. Brenda

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89 posts

Yes indeed -- question was posted darn near the same time the information was. Do have the list -- I've impressed myself that I can actually pronounce all of the names. I've got the bar set pretty low. Several have mentioned the possibility of meeting pre-tour as some are arriving before the 16th in Prague. I will be there (tour motel) on the 13th so can be contacted there or by follow up email on this forum if interested. This is my first Rick Steves' tour, solo on this outing, love history, photography, and learning. If I become a aggravation there is a trick. You just need to say --"Go away."

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893 posts

I'm not on this trip, but wish I were! Hubby and I have done 7 RS tours and this is tied for the favorite! I hope Etelka is your guide. I'm sure the others are good, too, but we just loved her.

I hope you and all of your tour mates have a Great Trip! (No doubt you will)