What is train travel like from Edinburgh to Dublin? And how long does it take? Thanks.
There are no trains from Edinburgh to Dublin, the Irish Sea gets in the way.
thank you! I found info on "Sail and Rail", training it then taking a ferry....even though a long day, it looks like it could be a lovely, scenic voyage.....do let me know if anyone has done this option
Again, thanks for your input!
Ryanair and Aer Lingus will fly you over the waves in a little over an hour and tickets bought well in advance will cost about the same as a decent restaurant dinner. But flying inflicts nuisances on either end, while you will enjoy a day at sea.
AND , if you go in the dead of winter , you could ice skate ! ;--)
I would just fly to save all the faffing about. If the sea is to choppy then some services get cancelled especially the high speed ones.
The Irish Sea does not freeze - so looks like skating across is not viable! https://www.windytv.com/overlays?sst,50.458,-12.700,4
Best to fly but if you were doing it by train, my advice would be to travel to north Wales by train and actually see that area as it is one of the most scenic areas in the whole of the UK. Then, after 2 or 3 days in north-west Wales, you could take the ferry from Holyhead to Dublin using a sail-rail ticket (maybe) from your starting station in north Wales.
James , that was an attempt at a bit of levity , but thanks anyway ; -- )
I would not want to take a ferry on the Irish Sea. My daughter said everyone was hanging over the rails, sick. Fly!