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Eastern France Laundry Opportunities

Question for previous members of recent Eastern France tours - Were there any easy spots for laundry - not counting the sink in your room? On other tours in different areas certain hotels have made available a" fill the bag" for a set price laundry option for a two day stop. Thank you for any answers.

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359 posts

The best place to do laundry on this tour is when you are in Chamonix. Your guide will give you details once the tour has begun.

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19 posts

We had been told to do it in Chamonix as well but were also told that the machines have the soap….and this is fragrance soap …built into the washers so we opted for Beaune a day or so before. The laundromat in Beaune was right next door to a pub which was very convenient! If you don’t have any problems with fragrance soap….Chamonix is probably the best place for you.

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27 posts

Rich, could I suggest that when the 30 day itenerary with the hotels is made available, that it include information about what laundry facilities are available at the hotels.

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43 posts

As Rich points out, Chamonix was the recommended laundry stop during our 2022 tour. The laundry(I think) was called Cham Laverie Chamonix and was a short walk from the tour hotel. It was a fill the bag operation and the gentlemen shop owner was very kind. Rates were reasonable and quick turnaround.

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1802 posts

Look for a Carrefour. Most of them have laundry machines in the parking lot.

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359 posts

Some, but not all hotels can do laundry for you, but it's usually at a steep price. You will receive a Rick Steves' France guidebook as part of your free tour kit, which you can order through the link in your online tour account, 3 months before your tour. We often list laundries in the "Helpful Hints" section of each destination chapter if we know of them. Your tour guide and/or hotel desk clerk can always give you laundry options if needed.

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12303 posts

Look for a Carrefour. Most of them have laundry machines in the parking lot.

I never would have thought to look in a grocery store parking lot for a washer and dryer.

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13 posts

We did ours in Chamonix on our "free" day. During our orientation walk, the guide pointed out a couple of laundromats and a place where you could drop off a bag in the morning to be picked up later in the day. Since it was raining in the morning, and the lifts were closed due to high winds, we chose to just use the self service laundromat on the main street (and ran into one of our guides there doing hers). The soap did not have any fragrance that I could detect.

Had the weather been nicer, the drop off would have allowed us to spend more of the day sightseeing.