I am booking the Italy My Way for an early September tour as it is the only time available. I would prefer to go later in October. If one of my waitlists opens up, can I transfer my reservation ?
thank you
For this question, I think you need to contact the Rick Steves company directly - at the bottom of this web page, there is a ‘contact us’ feature. (This Forum is occupied by volunteer travelers.)
dotmunger1, we did this one year, at the suggestion of one of the RSE staff. Give them a call, and they can give you some idea of how deep the waiting list is.
RS will notify you by email when a waitlist has an opening. Click on the link supplied in the email and there will be a box labeled "TRANSFER". Just click on that and it will do the transfer for you. I've done it and it works perfectly!
Be aware though that you probably have to act very quickly because that email is sent to everyone on their waitlist en masse. I've seen the slot(s) taken as quickly as 5 minutes after that email arrived when I didn't jump on it. Of course this all depends on how quickly that email is delivered to our individual ISP's.
I set up an alert on my mobile phone that told me when an email from RS arrived. That enabled me to grab my desired tour!
Yes, we did this twice on the same tour. It's easy for them to do and something they told us they do all the time.