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Best of Italy in 17 Days

Do any tour alums have suggestions on best time during months of April, May and June for this tour? Thanks!

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1062 posts

Of the three months you have chosen, I would select mid May. If you go any earlier, it may be too cold. June would probably be better weather wise, but it will be more crowded. My wife and I took this tour in September. You will love it. I have been to Europe on 5 previous vacations and this was by far the best vacation I have taken.

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32274 posts

My suggestion would either be May / June or September. Those are the months I usually travel and I've found the weather is usually good at that time.

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8251 posts

We usually go the first week or two of April, and the weather that far south would be good. May is also a great month to go, but avoid the high airfare prices, high temperatures and large tourist crowds of June.

Posted by
3580 posts

I was on a similar RS tour a few years ago. It was mid-May when we started and still chilly, almost still winter in the Dolomites. When we got to Rome we were in summer-like conditions. I thought that was the ideal time to be there while still avoiding summer heat.

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2534 posts

I did a similar tour back in 2004 at the end of April / beginning of May (the 2016 tour that is closest in dates is April 29-May 15). The weather was mild (and a bit wet some days), it snowed in the Dolomites, and it was 80 in Rome. I liked the time of year for the spring blooms (Lake Como was beautiful) and what I understand to be smaller crowds (it was still very crowded in some spots). If you can, tack on a couple days at the beginning and end of the tour. I enjoyed a quick tour of Milan (but regret not getting in to see the Last Supper fresco) and Rome deserves more time.

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3580 posts

Before my Italy tour I flew into Milan and spent a few days. I saw the Last Supper by signing up,for a city tour at the TI near the cathedral. I took a train to Varenna the day before the RS tour began and spent time on the ferry visiting towns along the lake. At the end of the tour I stayed over in Rome for a couple of days. I went to a mass held in St Peters square. That was the one time I was glad I had binoculars with me.

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4 posts

Thanks so much for all of your replies! Very good information and now, food for thought! Thanks again.

Posted by
2499 posts

Did you make a decision when to go? Have you considered going in Sept or Oct? I am signed up for the Oct 9-25 tour. It would be nice to connect with others on the forum who are also signed up.

Judy B

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4 posts

We decided on the May 15 to May 31 tour. Now the search for airfares begins! Are you flying directly into Milan or another city?

Yes, it would be great to talk with other folks who are signed up for the tours we have chosen.

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30 posts

We are also signed up for the May 15 to May 31 Best of Italy in 17 days. Arriving in Milan on 5/12 and staying after in Rome until 6/3. This is getting so exciting! But, at times, so confusing.

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4 posts

We are planning to fly into Milan on either 11th or 12th. Have not purchased our airline tickets yet; flying out of Seattle. Have you?