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Best of Ireland in 14 Days WAITLIST August, 2023 Anyone Willing To Trade?

I'm trying to move a confirmed Best of Ireland in 14 Days tour date. I currently have 2 seats confirmed for Aug 11 - Aug 24. It would be really helpful if I could get 2 seats for the Best of Ireland in 14 Days tour for Aug 13 - Aug 26 or Sep 3 - Sep 16. Anyone have suggestions or would be willing to trade confirmed seats (somehow through Rick Steves)?

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2783 posts

I think it's EXTREMELY unlikely that you will find an answer to your problem here on the forum.

I would sign up for the waitlist on the dates you now prefer (I think you can be on more than one waitlist). Hopefully you will be successful over the next few months. I also might email the office to get an idea if those particular waitlists look promising.

Good luck!

Posted by
470 posts

As Liz suggested, get on the official RS tour waitlist(s). This worked for us recently, allowing us to connect two tours in May.
Given that tour deposits for August are still refundable, openings may occur between now and then. In our experience, few RS tour members follow this forum. Being on an official RS waitlist is much more likely to work for you.
Good luck!