We have signed up for the above tour for our 40th aniversary. I reviewed with great interest the post "What was your favorite RS tour". I'm somewhat concerned not one post mentioned this tour as their favorite. Is there anyone out there who has been on this tour and would be willing to share their experiences - good or less good?
My wife and I took the tour last year. We loved it. On the tour were 2 other couples who had take over 10 tours apiece. At the final dinner, all of them made the point that this was the best or tied the best of all their many tours.
There are of course no guaranties you’ll react the same way. But we had a fantastic learning experience — and the weather was not particularly cooperative either. But we overcame that and had a trip of our lifetime.
Happy travels.
David thanks so much for taking the time to respond. I am very glad to hear you and some traeling companions enjoyed the tour. We are very much looking forward to it.
I've done 12 RS tours and the Basque tour was definitely near the top. I really enjoyed learning about Basque culture, and the food was a highlight.
I took this tour last year at end of September and early October. I enjoyed this tour. The food was so good and I loved the Basque wine. I had a food list and worked down that list (smile). Make it a point to read the RS Basque guide book, that’s where I got a lot of my food items for the list. I also purchased some espadrilles. At some point, I would to go back to Bayonne and Bilbao.
My adult daughter and I were on this tour in October and loved it. I did a trip report if you’d like more of an idea about how it went. Search for my name and it should pop up.
Basque Country was my first RS tour, in 2018. Loved it. Unique culture, nice pace, interesting cities and experiences. Enjoy!!
I am looking at this tour, too. It looks great. Check out the really positive reviews at the bottom of the tour page.