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From an email I got from the good folks at the Rick Steves Company today:

" (...) As a result of the drop in the Euro and hotel prices for Belgium and Holland, we have decided to reduce the price of your tour by $100 and pass the savings onto you!"

Well hush muh mouth -- I hereby do retract my previous whining!

All is forgiven, Rick, all is forgiven!

-- Mike Beebe

Posted by
1068 posts

Don't think so, I got the same e-mail and was never offered a big discount on the tour I am taking (same as OP but on a different date.). Guess this company may not be so bad after all!

Posted by
7181 posts

Maybe being picky, but I do wish you would put something in your title other than just a sideways happy face. What is that about anyway?

Posted by
1324 posts

That's great, Mike.
I'm signed up for the Best of the Adriatic ... I wonder if there is also a drop in those hotel prices.
I'm not expecting a discount, but I would not turn it down!
Even happier trails!

Posted by
11613 posts

I liked your happy face title, it made me want to read your post (same for the prior sad face).

Posted by
2178 posts

Thanks for letting us know you did get SOME concession re: price drop.

But, help us to remember:

Was the price drop of the tour $300 each Somehow I thought I remembered you would have saved $600 due to the subsequent price drop....but maybe I am not remembering correctly.

If that's the case, SOME additional savings is better than no additional savings.

The key thing is that you feel you have been treated fairly, and sounds like you do :)

I still hope you luck up with the nicest/biggest rooms available at each hotel during the tour!

Posted by
411 posts

I suppose it's possible that RS will extend the discount to others as the year goes on. I expect that tours taking place in the later part of 2017 are still to far off to count on the Euro being as low as it is now. Of course, the Euro could go even lower later this year, or it could pop back up to around $1.20 or more. Thankfully, there is a ceiling on the tour price. (Side Note: I wonder if RS does any currency hedging to lock in a minimum level of profit for the year?)

RS and his crew know their business well. IMHO, they know that their two best forms of adverting are the TV shows that they give for free to PBS, and word-of-mouth.

Posted by
1068 posts

Don't think it was unexpected. RS is one of the more stand-up companies that I know. They have a price guarantee that the cost will not go up, but it is just like them to reduce it if they can.

Posted by
39 posts

Hi all,

We just wanted to follow up on the $100 price drop for our Heart of Belgium and Holland tour. Since the time when we contracted the rates with our tour hotels in Belgium and Holland last year they have lowered their prices. We thought it fair to pass this savings on to our tour members and reduce the cost of the tour by $100. But, unfortunately, this does not pertain to any of our other tours. Belgium and Holland have been traditionally more expensive in the past. But recently, in an effort to attract more tourism, some of the hotels have decreased their rates. For those interested in traveling to these two wonderful countries this would be a good time to go. We hope this clarifies this change for you. If you have any questions please give us a call and we would be happy to talk to you about it. Cheers.

Posted by
6602 posts

Darn, I kept looking for a price drop on the Village Italy tour we're signed up for. Sigh. Thanks for the update, Keith.