Hi everyone--we are headed to Best of Eastern Europe in September.
We received a global email from RS travel, and this is what I read between the lines, that indicated that they were assessing the first half of this year's tours and making changes to the second half of the year's tours. Non specific, but dining together seemed to be in the cross hairs. This tour seems to have more bus time (translate- alot of mask wearing, I get it) than the previous tour we took in those halcyon days of 2019.
I understand that travel requires rolling with the punches, but if anyone has anything to share from the late July through August tours and any modifications, I would appreciate knowing. I don't want to approach my tour with "expect the worse thing possible" mentality because that isn't what RS tours are all about. I'm just curious if it's biz as usual or there have been modifications that ultimately impact the experience.