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14d BOE Jul 6-19, who's onboard?

Hadn't seen anything posted about the July 6-19 Best of Europe sojourn, so putting this out there in the hopes it finds everyone well. Looking forward to meeting the group in Paris and having a great adventure!

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333 posts

Hi Matt, I'm not on your tour. I'm on the 21 Day BOE in May. But I wanted to tell you not to be discouraged if you don't hear from folks on your tour. Lots of people aren't even aware of the message board here. However, you might hear from people a bit closer to your date. I advertised my tour back in November and started hearing from some people in January. My fingers are crossed that you'll hear from some tourmates soon. I know we're both in for a great trip!

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422 posts

Thanks Lisa! Enjoy your upcoming trip, the 21-day itinerary sounds fantastic.

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422 posts

Shameless 'bump' to see if any brave souls reading this are signed up for the July 6 BOE Tour (?).
Less than sixty days to go, will be here 'fore we know it !!

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422 posts

Last (pre-tour) call for any brave souls willing to admit they're on this early-July run! : )

If not, safe travels into Paris and together we'll toast our adventures on the Sixth!!

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3 posts

Hi Matt! My husband and I are going on this tour. We are very excited! Travel safe and see you and the others in Paris! =)

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422 posts

Looking forward to it, Erin. So glad you and your husband will be on this trip! Travel safe.

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4418 posts

Matt, I hope all is going well for you! I want to hear all about it at the August Sacramento meeting...

Erin, if Matt and his family are representative of your fellow tour members, you'll have a wonderful (and fun!) time!

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422 posts

Thanks Eileen. You're too kind, look forward to catching up in August.

During the Italy portion of our trip, we'll be sure to leave some goodies for yours/Andrea's/David's journey next year. The Village tour looks fantastic (if you 'have to' start somewhere, guess Venice will do). : )

See you soon!

Posted by
4418 posts

So...have you packed yet? I know your wife has...and is at 13 lbs! Fantastic!

Pretend your trip is 2 days earlier than it is - be as ready as possible by Friday (TOMORROW!!!), so you can relax in the last couple of days before your actual departure date. I've started many a trip already exhausted (thanks, 3:30 am alarms for departures and packing waaay too late!) and it's no fun to arrive in Europe completely wiped out :-( , trying to remember how to catch the train into town, where to buy the ticket, how to find Euro, and 'what the heck does that food menu say?!?'

I might suggest one more call to your bank(s), alerting them that your cards are going on a little trip. After arrival in Europe, you should withdraw cash using all of your (ATM) cards ASAP to be sure they all work. But...I've had the experience of my card or my husband's not working in one country but working fine in the others, so don't freak out of this happens!

Any pets taken care of? Mail hold?

Are your passports with your luggage? ;-)

Enjoy your weekend!!! Stay cool and watch your RS destination/Tour Experience videos over and over...

(...and have a beer/wine for me in Europe!)