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My husband and I will be visiting Ypres in the spring. Would you kind travel experts please help us with the pronunciation of Ypres. We don't want to show up sounding like bumpkins .

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32274 posts

Paula, I was there about a month ago, and the pronunciation of the name is definitely an issue with most people. During WW-I, the British had a difficult time with this, and just referred to it as "Wipers". They even produced a small newsletter at one point titled the "Wipers Times". The version which seems to be most common is "Eep-ers" (hopefully that spelling is self-explanatory). If you're driving, note that road signs provide the Flemish spelling "Ieper". I would highly recommend using a local Guide to tour the battle sites, as it will provide a much more interesting and rewarding visit, and a better appreciation for the historic events which occurred there. Jacques was the Guide that provided the tour of battle sites for our group, but unfortunately I don't know which firm he works for? He was an outstanding Guide! Happy travels!

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389 posts

A great website I like to use is, which has recordings of words, including place names, from many different languages. Here's the French pronunciation of Ypres: The Flemish/Dutch pronunciation (Ieper): The sounds are quite similar in both languages. Just don't say something wildly Anglicized like "Eye-pers" and you'll be fine.

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12040 posts

The combination of "ie" in Dutch is the same as "ee" or "ea" in English. I'm not sure of the French pronunciation of "Ypres", but because Ieper is a Flemish town, the local pronunciation is something close to "EEper". The pronunciation of nearby Kortrijk and Diksmuide also usually give non-Dutch speakers problems.

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188 posts

We did hear it pronounced as Eeepers when we were there. If you have a chance, do go to the In Flanders Field Museum. It's a great interactive museum and we learned things about both WWI and the Battle of Ypres that we didn't know. Well worth a couple of hours. And if you have a car and a GPS, do go to Tyne Cot Cemetary, the largest Commonwealth cemetary in the world.