Hi all. There's lots of postings within the site about wearing (lululemon type) yoga gear on the plane over to Europe. But would I look like a complete tourist if I wore my full-length yoga pants in Provence or Cote d'Azur? (With black shoes - NOT runners.) I'm going in October, so I'm trying to find clothing that's light enough for warmer days but can be layered on cooler days. Many thanks to all the fashionistas!
Unless I am in a major city like London or Paris, where they expect a lot of tourists, I try and dress like the locals. In fact that is probably even preferable in the big City
What are they? Like black leggings? Everyone is wearing those these days under skirts. Perfect for Provence and the Cote in October.
not sure about Provence, but I took and wore lulu's last October to Italy, and wore them in Rome and Florence. With a nice top and black shoes I think they are perfecly acceptable, as long as they fit well and aren't all pilled. Mind you, you likely would't wear pilly ill fitting lulu's at home either! I say go for it!
Anyone paying attention to you will know you're a tourist no matter what you wear. And almost nobody will care.
No Bets ,, they don't look like leggings to me,( I think of leggings as being tight to leg all the way down like footless stockings), they look like nice fitting( as in figure hugging) pants that seem to be either boot cut, or capri length and made out of stretchy fabric,, they are meant for yoga,, but many people love to wear them as slacks. I personally think many of them can easily pass as black dress slacks if they do not have color inserts ,, ( which make them look more like track pants I think) I don't think I would care what people thought ,, they are decent,, and not everyone walks around France looking like fashion plates( ummm, except Italian men,LOL ) They are comfy and lightweight, likely good for cooler weather.
I might be in the minority, but while I practically live in them at home, I would never step outside the house in yoga pants, unless I'm going to the gym. Maybe it's my Russian upbringing or the fact that I've always lived in a city, but anything other than jeans/skirt/dress pants out in public just seems sloppy to me.
Personally I love Lulu's for the plane, but that's the only place I wear them when I travel. I wouldn't wear them out on the street, even in Canada.
Vanessa, in my part of Canada you would seldom see yoga pants on the street either, which is something my step-daughter from LA remarked on recently. She says in LA everyone always seems in daytime to be in yoga, sweat or jogging outfits.
LOL - in MY part of Canada everyone and their (downward) dog wears LL. Provence is very casual and you can wear whatev - believe me, no-one will be policing you.
I think yoga pants make great travel gear for anything from very casual up to, but not including, something you want to be dressed up for (which is fairly rare on vacation). My wife paired them with a casual Sketchers shoe and was comfortable and appropriately dressed. http://www.skechers.com/shoes-and-clothing/women/styles/casual_shoes/product/sassies_-_ella/bbk/
Ooh - very controversial subject! I like the point made above that no matter what you do you'll look like a tourist. I think that's hard for me to admit, but it's true. Even if I could dress sort-of "Provence-y" my daypack and guidebook will kind of give me away.... I wear my lulus at home - even outside the house! Gasp! - so I know I'd be comfortable wearing them while I travel. :o) Anyone else have suggestions?
Mimi - you're sure the French fashion police won't nab me at the airport? LOL!