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Wine Openers Allowed on Planes?

I've looked for this answer on the TSA website, the British Airlines website, and elsewhere with conflicting results, so I'll ask here. There's been so much indecision lately about what's allowed and what's not, maybe someone has recent experience. The question is whether a wine bottle opener with the small knife attachment used to score the foil is allowable in carry on luggage on international flights.

Posted by
162 posts

Rose, if I'm not mistaken, that is the ruling that caused such a firestorm this spring and has since been rescinded.

Posted by
3210 posts

Rose, surely you have flown since 2013 and know that those proposed changes were never implemented?

Posted by
149 posts

To the OP: Please forgive my naïveté, but I'm not sure why one would need a "wine opener" in-cabin during a flight, unless one was also bringing along (and this might cause its own problems) a Grande Cru Bordeaux for an anniversary to be celebrated aboard the aircraft in flight. I purchased a nice corkscrew in Beaune a few years ago and absent-mindedly slipped it in my carry-on backpack where it was promptly confiscated by Heathrow security and thrown away into a bin. Fortunately, my wife made the sacrifice of her carry-on backpack by carrying that backpack back to security, begging the security people to let her pack the corkscrew in her backpack which she then sent through as checked luggage. I'd not considered that the corkscrew was considered a "sharp object". Ironically, the corkscrew broke rather soon after I got it home. It's best not to mess with the security folks.

Posted by
922 posts

My impression after reading the original post was that Brenda wants to be able to travel with carry-on luggage on an international flight and is concerned that if she puts a corkscrew with small knife as part of the assembly into her carry-on the item will be confiscated by Security. It seems the consensus after my snafu (due to not being aware that the flight attendants had a hissy fit back in April while I was in Europe) is that corkscrews containing little knives are still on the Prohibited Items List.

Posted by
15686 posts

Never traveled with a wine opener, never had a problem getting a bottle opened. If you are going to drink it soon, ask the seller to open it. I'm sure your hotel will have one. I do travel with a wine-saver pump and cork.

Posted by
23473 posts

Who saves wine??? With the wider acceptance of screw caps, the need is reduced. I have successful carried a "traveling" cork screw in carry on for the last few trips. "T" shaped cork screw in a plastic case with a built-in, small (half inch) blade in the "t" part of the handle for scoring the foil. Cork screws are permitted, just not the knife part. It is silly but we cannot be too careful. All part of the show.

Posted by
162 posts

Thank you everyone. I do indeed travel with only carry on luggage and try very hard not to hold up the security line at the airport, so even though I had hoped to avoid having to buy an opener for use with daytime picnics when I get to Europe, that will now have to be part of the plan. It's no big deal in the grand scheme of a fabulous trip, right? For the return trip I plan to buy a small screw top bottle of wine at the CDG airport before boarding, along with something to eat that is better than what the airlines provide. BTW, for those who might be interested since many airlines have discontinued providing free drinks onboard (I only fly coach), friends who were going on a cruise recently told me that liquor stores sell boxes of small plastic packets of vodka, rum etc. which can be taken onboard in the quart size baggie of liquids that are allowed. I'm not a savvy drinker, but those seem like a good idea for someone wanting to forego the hassle and expense of buying travel bottles on the plane. Thought? Opinions?

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1064 posts

"Cork screws are permitted, just not the knife part." It depends on who is doing the screening as your bag goes through. Some screeners are more observant, catching stuff others miss, and some are stricter than others, tossing stuff others allow. I can see how a strict, observant TSA screener would be justified in rejecting a corscrew in carryon, but I am not going to join that argument. These are snap decisions, and the TSA screener's decision is final, at least as far as your flight is concerned.

Posted by
2532 posts

Oddly, a handful of years ago, our t-shaped corkscrew (no blade) passed TSA review departing the US but was confiscated at CDG airport when returning home. Go figure.

Posted by
1840 posts

Cork screws with no blades can leave the U.S. but they can't be brought back. All the signs I've seen of prohibited items in Great Britain and Europe show cork screws as being prohibited. I had to mail one back because I didn't want to lose it.

Posted by
10375 posts

I had one confiscated at CDG. Absent minded put it in carry on.

Posted by
719 posts

I've been to Europe 7 times since '05 and and have returned home with a corkscrew (all types) in my carry on every trip. It wasn't until CDG last month that I had one confiscated. Of course, that one was part of a Chambord Swiss Army style knife, so I kind of expected that.

Posted by
15686 posts

I have a small wine opener that has two metal prongs. Work them into the sides of the cork and twist the cork out. No pointy ends, no problem. Frank - the wine saver is to remove as much air as possible from the bottle to preserve the quality of the wine for a second time.

Posted by
23473 posts

Still asking - Who saves a bottle of wine? Our experience is that we have carried the traveling corking screw back and forth for several years with no question. However, am well aware that you are at the whim of the inspector. Marcia once had a deo taken because it "looked too big" while clearing stating on the body that it was 2.7 oz. Remember you dealing with people who's authority is far greater than their education.

Posted by
121 posts

My last trip to France was in 2011. I purchased a nice wine opener in Bayeux. On our trip home a few weeks later it was confiscated at the airport. The guy doing the confiscation was apologetic, but he still took it. Oh well, it is what it is!

Posted by
2193 posts

This thread proves that security isn't necessarily as cookie-cutter and consistent as one might believe it to be. Different airports, different agents, etc. handle things differently. I've been doing a lot of traveling lately, and I'm always surprised to find the tightest security right here in DSM...tighter than any other place I've been in the U.S., Asia, or Europe in the past year. Who would expect that, and why is it so tight at such a small and insignificant airfield? Another interesting thing, and I hadn't seen before but did recently – a second security screening to confiscate liquids at the gate. Actually, it was after the gate - agent swiped boarding passes at the gate, passengers headed down long hallway to the jetway, and the extra check was right there at the beginning of the jetway. They only searched through handbags, not roller bags. And since folks were able to buy all sorts of duty free stuff in the secure area of the airport before boarding, a lot was getting confiscated (and people weren't happy). I had read about this before but had never actually experienced it until then.

Posted by
1078 posts

I have been carrying a plastic corkscrew that I got from Marriott several years' ago in my backpack with no problems--the latest trip(May-June)included the UK and Greece. In fact, I keep one in my backpack and another in my bag(I like back-up!). It's gone through security bunches of times in the U.S and in the EU.
I carry it because we like to buy local while we travel and the majority of what we find has cork/plastic "corks" not screw tops.