My husband & I have just added 3 nites in Barcelona to our Italy trip, because we want to visit our American daughter who is studying at U. of Barcelona. Any recommendations on B&B's or hotels? We will not have a car & love to eat & drink wine, but want a quiet room to retire to at day's end. I'd like to spend 100-160 euros/nite.
For 100-160€/night there are plenty of options available. However, I usually recommend that visitors try the Hostal Subirats (Rda. Sant Pere, 62 Portal 1 Tlf. +34 933 191 881). The hostel is clean but definitely not elegant, but the showers are hot and everything is well maintained. The hostel is 10 minute walk from Pza. Cataluña and is right next (2 minute walk) to a major train hub (Arc de Triomf) from which one can travel to the airport easily. As a plus, the bar below the hostel serves the best hamburgers in town (ask for the "completo"). Last I heard, prices ran approx. €40/night for a double with private bath. Be warned, however, that Sra. Emilia, who runs the place, has been known to overbook and will send excess reservations out to her sister-in-law's place way out in a fairly dodgy part of town. When reserving a room, insist that the reservation is for Subirats and that you will not accept a substitution.
Enjoy BCN.