When do US to France airfares for next spring (May) hit rock bottom? I'm keeping my eye out every week, but they are staying the same... so far almost to the penny. Thanks
I'm a spring traveller myself and I usually wait until about February for my March/April fares. But by all means, if you find something now, get it. Keep in mind, it's just about always $500 in fees so those discount fares aren't going to save you a whole lot in the big picture. If you find anything under base price of $400-$450, I'd book it.
The fare sales for spring are usually posted in January. You should get on the email lists to be notified.
This is a duplicate posting - answers in two places tend to confuse both the OPs and posters. It is encouraged that questions are posted just once for continuity.
If you can be flexible, look for fares for late March. One year I found that a flight Mar 31 was cheaper than a flight Apr 1. This may not be the case every year or for every airline.
Not sure how low you want to go, but I just booked for January at US $765 and that included all fees and taxes.