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what is an idea to do before dinner?

well according to the webmaster, me suggesting to go see a play that my friend runs at the laurette theater is advertising when i was basically trying to suggest something fun that locals go to do. So with out advertising, if anyone who is in Paris wants to try something different than going to all the tourist trap places, i suggest take in play somewhere like the Laurette theater near the canal. I met a great new friend couch surfing and as i got to know her she told me about how she was in a play. I thought this to be really cool and even though it is in french and i dont really know french i still decided to attend. she thought i was crazy but in the end it turned out to be so fun, being in a small theater watching for an hour a play that had been in english i still would have laughed as much as i did.
take a chance see, see a play or show, one man shows too are fun. if you want to ever know more ask me, because doing something like this is more local that hanging out at place de voges....hope that wasnt to advertising...seeing as people sugggestplaces or thigns to do here all the time and their posts don't get pulled

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4412 posts

Next time... ...'I HEARD ABOUT this great theater called the Laurette...'

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3262 posts

...then add - "Have anyone been there?" Your suggestion is a good reminder to attend theater, musical performances, etc. while visiting other cultures. I'm going to look for something similar on our next trip! thanks!

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8293 posts

If people can recommend hotels and restaurants, why not a theatrical production?

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91 posts

Thanks for the suggestion Conor. We will check it out next week. Great idea I would never have thought of. Nice rest after a long day of walking and unwind before dinner.

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144 posts

yes, my original intent was not to be some ad man, i just had a great experience and wanted to share it. I thought since people recommend things like hotels or D-Day tours that i could do the same about a play. I appreciate the webmaster trying to keep spam off of here so I have no gripe, just seemed a bit unfair. Also I took the Victory tour in Normandy and had a great time. So if anyone is deciding, i would recommend it. Roell did a great job making it feel personal and help me feel more connected to my grand farther who landed on omaha and survived but I only got to know him a short time when he died when i was about 8. The eariness of the calm waters that omaha beach gives off makes you really stop and think, it felt like you were really someplace that will never be the same again

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995 posts

If I may, I'd like to make a clarification as this is an issue that pops up regularly. We all make recommendations for places as responses to questions here. The difference was that Conor's initial thread (the one that was removed) did not ask a question and was an unsolicited recommendation. As this is exactly what advertisers (try to) do on our site, this is one of the reasons why we require all new threads in the Helpline to ask a travel question. We have an entire forum on our website called the Graffiti Wall where unsolicited recommendations belong. There we have other controls in place to differentiate between advertising and genuine recommendations. Please use that for future unsolicited recommendations. I will leave this particular thread open as I wish no ill will toward Conor. However, this should not be taken that I accept unsolicited recommendations as thread starters and I will remove them as I see them in the future. Again, please use our Graffiti Wall for that purpose. Thank you for your understanding.

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4412 posts

To quote the Webmaster: "this is one of the reasons why we require all new threads in the Helpline to ask a travel question." You've been pretty generous with some of our 'questions'; thanks! ;-) <<And just who is The Webmaster? I think it's John Forsythe...I'm pretty sure he was also The White Stig on "Top Gear"...>>

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10555 posts

I hope the webmaster (and the Stig) is not John Forsythe. I think he's dead. :-(