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Weggis hotels

I've been trying to decide between Hotel SeeGotthard, Hotel Weggin Rigi, Hotel Schweizer for my stay in Weggis in April. Any recommendations or other suggestions. Larry

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7580 posts

I haven't read anything Rick has written about Weggis. But we were there a few months ago, just as the boats switched to the off-season schedule. In fact, we stayed in the next town, at the most expensive hotel in the neighborhood (that is, while the big hotel in Weggis is gutted and rebuilt), the Vitznauerhof. I'm not urging you to spend that kind of money. (We did walk from Weggis to the Vitznauerhof, but it's quite far, if absolutely level.) The point is that the Vitznauerhof has free parking and is adjacent to the Rigibahn cog railway station. The waterfront in Weggis is a substantial walk to the Weggis cablecar lift up Rigi. But cablecar service is more "frequent" than the trains. So your decision might involve which forms of transportation are covered by your " .... Card", or what you want to do the most of while there. We had dinner at the SeeHotel du Lac in Weggis, which was fine but not gourmet. The staff was very nice, but like all of Switzerland, it was rather expensive for what it was. So I'm sure the other modest hotels in Weggis are no bargain. We were glad we didn't stay on the mountain (Note: Shoulder season, not summer or winter) because of the fogbanks and the isolation.

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837 posts

Are you staying in Weggis because you want to stay there or to save money compared to staying in Luzern?