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weather in Germany (June 1-18th)

Just curious to find out what the weather is like in Germany from June 1-18th. I like 65-85 degree weather and packed mostly for warm- hot weather, not rainy and chilly weather. My sister lived in the black forest for 1 year and mentioned not to worry about the weather, if I got cold just throw on a sweatshirt over my long sleeve tee and I would be fine. Albeit, I am only bringing one thin long sleeve tee, a rain/wind jacket- no sweatshirt. Will I be fine? Is there anything to consider when it comes to being prepared for the changes in weather from north to south Germany? Does the weather change that much?

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1523 posts

In April Germany was having near record warmth for that time of year. We went 9-18 May needed to wear rain jackets or light fleece shirts (often both) most days. A light fleece shirt is not much weight or volume.

Regards, Gary

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10344 posts

go here, input the cities/towns you'll be near and the dates you'll be there (up to a 2-week period) and the site will neatly summarize what the weather has been for the last 10 years at the locations and time periods you have specifiedThese are only averages, actual weather forecasts are available when you get within a few days of a given date and get more accurate the closer in you get time-wise.

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9145 posts

This made me laugh so hard. I have lived here for over 22 years and I still don't know what the weather will be like tomorrow. Two years ago, we had snow flurries on 31 May and a week later it was in the 80's. The year my parents came to visit, I told them May was always nice and warm, of course it was cold and rainy almost the whole month. I have had summers where I thought I was going to die from the heat cause it was over 100 every day for about 3 weeks, and summers where it seemed like a wore a jacket every day. For 4 years I worked at a small Army post in the Taunus mountains, the weather was so different from in Frankfurt and this was just a 30 min. drive away. The elevation can cause a lot of change.

You need to tell us at least where you are going in Germany. The North Sea weather is different than in Cologne or Munich. Will you be in the mountains, etc.? It does rain here, it can get cool at night especially if you are in the mountains. If it gets too cool, you can always buy a sweatshirt with some kind of German thing on it and have a lovely souvenir to boot. I wouldn't worry about it too much.