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Vienna to Amsterdam rail/metro/tram passes

2 adults,( 1 senior) are planning a trip in April and looking for the best rail tickets and passes in each city. It looks like the point to point train tickets are less than a Railpass to travel between the cities. To get the best price should I book in advance? Any suggestions for train travel without so many changes in trains but at the best price for 2nd class. What are the best passes for the cities for metro, trams etc? 1. Arrive in Vienna for 3 nights – see the city. Hop on and off trams 2. Train to Salzburg (oebb) for 2 nights – see the city. Hop on and off trams 3. Train to Munich (bahn) for 3 night and see the city. Hop on and off trams Day trip to Neuschwanstein castle 4. Train to Amsterdam(bahn) for 3 nights. Hop on and off trams Day trip to see flowers
Thanks for all you help

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